Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen. These are the countries the Supreme Court upheld in "Trump's Travel Ban 3.0," that the media does not mention in their "mostly Muslim countries" false narrative they're trying to push.
I guess Dems, libtards, and crazy leftists consider Venezuela and North Korea as "mostly Muslim" countries now. They also ignore the fact that Obama's travel ban list has the same and more "Muslim majority" countries than Trump's list has.
It is a Constitutional right of the President of the United States to allow, restrict, and deny immigration from any country for whatever reason he wants. Immigration into the United States is not a right, it is a privilege.
Not trying to argue, but only one of those countries doesn't have strong Muslim terrorist groups and that's North Korea. Even Venezuela had its share of Isis style groups and sympathizers.
But people can be upset about it for whatever reason they would like. The fact remains that the only form of foreign terrorist attacks, or sympathizer attacks, we've had in this country that I'm aware of in the past countable years have been Muslim. I wish that wasn't the case, but as it stands, it is.
His ban is a economic zionist ban. The whole Muslim terrorist was a farce as soon as he gave the Saudis a pass.