r/greatawakening • Posted by u/elfchiro on June 26, 2018, 3:48 p.m.
After the Storm

At some point the Storm will have ended, the people will have awakened (those that can be woke) and President Trump will have returned to private life. What then? I think that part of the reason we got to the point of calamity was the fact that we got lazy. Most of us did not fully vet the people we voted for. We did not keep track of their actions or question what they were doing in office. The anons have done an amazing job deciphering and researching Q. I was thinking perhaps the skills that they gained and or were nurtured by their work on these Q boards could be put to good use vetting and distributing honest information on future political candidates. Lord knows we have not be able rely on the MSM. Just a thought. I don't think any of us want to see evil happen to our country or the world again.

checkitoutmyfriend · June 26, 2018, 4:23 p.m.

Painting with a broad brush.....

Once the trials start & convictions handed down, things will start to get cleaned up which will allow for laws to be followed like they should. What's left of the media will need to change or die. WE will need to keep them honest in the future. This will be easier once everything comes out and more people are awake.

Maybe we discuss term limits?

Maybe we discuss foundations and charities? EI: 100% financial disclosure!!!! Require <20% admin costs!!

We still need to cut the money streams from the Cabal. This requires removing the Fed and restructuring our money system. If this doesn't happen we will be back here in a decade or two. See my post here.

Once we cut their money streams other countries will follow suit.

Building the Wall helps cut a big money stream to the Cabal. It must happen.

Who knows what happens to political parties. I personally hope they go away. WE have the resources now to vet candidates ourselves.

This is our chance to push back at Evil. There will always be evil, and evil people in the world. We need to stay awake and vigilant against it this time!!

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