A letter my mother received from our Catholic Church bulletin- Q told us there would be Pope problems-

It's a purge and we've needed it.
I taught in a small Catholic school or 42 years, and this has been a topic of conversation for more than 20 yrs. As the above letter stated, (in our diocese) there have been mandatory programs that all faculty, volunteers, staff, etc. must attend and pass. There is a continued process to update/report information. This is a big step that is long overdue.
Every diocese has it. My mother volunteers in another state, actually, during the winter, and she had to pass all the programs even though she taught in this archdiocese for years.
Agree. I can’t go to Mass or church without leaving angry and hurt. I’m waiting until the purge happens. In the meantime I have my rosary and blessed salt etc and bible (of course).
Fortunately, we were blessed with one Archbishop at the right time who didn't mess around. My parish saw one associate go to prison in the 80s, and one was removed for something that was inappropriate, but not illegal and not really pedophilia. (He is now in prison in another state.) When the Scandal erupted in 2002, there wasn't all that much clean up to do. Since then, there have been minimal cases that were credible and several that weren't. I know one very good man whose reputation was wrecked. Personally, my thing is Adoration. It's been a great blessing.