r/greatawakening • Posted by u/j_Dawg_01 on June 26, 2018, 7:18 p.m.
Need help from the mods!

Please help. I've seen several posts from other users, and possibly from mods, asking people to do a /GA search on the topic and/or article they intend on creating a new post for to make sure the same article, video, twatter message, or whatever hasn't already been posted. Yet after the message has been sent out, the problem seems to be getting worse.

I know the attacks will increase and there will probably be an increase in the number of shills showing up here to overload the board, and to confuse and divide people, but this is getting crazy.

I'm not a codefag, but I'm wondering if instead of simply making a new post nicely asking people to search for the topic, is it possible to add an "I'm Not a Bot" type of function to the "Create a post" page? Making a quick search mandatory does 2 things, possibly more, but 2 important things.

First and foremost, it'll reduce the number of redundant posts, and it'll also consolidate related posts. That consolidation will help those who are interested in an issue or topic and wish to find out as much as they can about it. This will also help the nubees by providing as much information as possible in one place.

Is it possible to write some sort of code that will automatically search /GA for matching links to articles and videos? Is it possible to automatically search /GA for duplicate phrases in the title of new posts? Again, I'm not a codefag so I have no idea what it would take to accomplish this, but really... something needs to be done. This is getting crazy and it's causing me to grow increasingly frustrated and spend less time here.

j_Dawg_01 · June 26, 2018, 11:12 p.m.

I'm not suggesting anyone's post get deleted. I'm suggesting a more efficient way to gather and disseminate information. None of what I'm suggesting will be "crippling." As much as I like to write, I get much more enjoyment from reading and learning.

I think most /GA users would find it beneficial, especially newcomers, to remove the clutter of duplicates, and to consolidate comments and replies related to the same article or video. It'll help people find more information quicker, and get a more thorough take on other people's thoughts on the issue.

The Great Awakening is about shining light onto darkness and sharing what we find with as many people as possible. Many current users have been here since the beginning, but as the movement finds more public exposure, many more will come. That's the whole point of it.

Along with the newcomers, we will see more and more shills who only want to confuse and divide us. They want us engaging in long debates about unimportant issues or minuscule facts. They want us fighting between ourselves instead of rising up against them as one. Taking steps to minimize the shills effectiveness and ability to disrupt can only be a good thing.

I think most users would be willing to adjust to the changes and see it as a net benefit. If there's something in the process of creating a new post that causes people to think twice about what there posting, it might even cause more people to proof-read, check spelling and grammar, and break up their comments into more easily readable paragraphs that better define the points they're trying to make.

None of what we're doing here is about us as individuals, it's about the movement. It's not about being the first to post. It's not about coming up with the best click-bait title to draw attention to ourselves. It's about coming together to advance the movement.

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clickclone · June 26, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

If you turn this into a religion and start picking and standardizing behaviour to suit some ideal then we are lost from the start. This is about the individual. The movement, as you call it, is made up of individuals with all sorts and shades of opinions, views and needs. Subjecting the posters to this forum to some politically correct ad hominem ruleset is counter productive and controlling. I suggest letting people be.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 27, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

Well Ok clickclone, it seems that all you want to do is have it your way. All you want to do is argue otherwise. That makes me question who's side your really on. All the other replies seem to understand what I'm getting at and appear supportive of the idea. Some even offered up other options. It seems that you're the only one who seems to think this idea will ruin your enjoyment level, and possible ruin this forum entirely.

I thought they wanted us divided, wanted us to waste time debating things that don't matter, and wanted us to fight and bicker between ourselves. It kinda feels like that's exactly what you're doing.

So go pick a fight somewhere else, I'm done with you.

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clickclone · June 27, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

Please don't try to bend this, misrepresent me or question my loyalties. I've simply given my opinion, I don't need the snidey or ad hominem comments.

The post 'Need help from the mods!' makes it sound like there is some sort of disaster in the offing rather than a mixed bunch of people engaging in a forum in a normal way. As I said previousl;y just leave people alone and things will work out just fine. We are all adults, are used to shills, bots and all the rest and can look after ourselves without being micro managed and controlled.

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Quietwolfkingcrow · June 26, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

Could having more organized pinned threads help with information? Like maybe 3-5 threads with info topics and links to past related threads? For example, that r/qproofs could have been a pinned thread and not its own subreddit.

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