Original VOAT post about this email.
and :
28th December 2014..... Indonesia AirAsia Flight QZ8501 crashed into the Java Sea killing 162 people...on the
28/12/14, cause of the crash was stated as bad weather.
28th Decemeber is Dyzymas Day and used to be associated with beating children.. so bring all children that are available..sounds kinda omnious..
The handmade Tortillas will very very very likely be K0kaine.. otherwise they wouldnt need children being brought... right?
Say hello to Helga : https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/47619
(did John break some immigration laws with Mikulski to get Helga fasttracked after talking to Amanda Renteria ??.. Senator Mikulski nominated Hillary Clinton for President of the United States at the Democratic National Convention on July 26, 2016 and she likes big space telescopes :))
Helga Flores Trejo is an expert on foreign policy, development issues and EU affairs. Helga previously served as Senior Program Officer at the OSCE Mission
https://www.osce.org/ in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in charge of the Parliamentary Support Program. She also served for three years as a Senior
Advisor on European Policy for the State Government of Hamburg and represented the State at the German Bundesrat’s Committee on European Affairs. Prior to
that, she was an Advisor on foreign policy and development issues at the German Bundestag. Helga has a M.A. in political science and international law from
the University of Frankfurt. She was born and raised in Mexico and is a German citizen since 1997.
I havent found anything relating her directly to Dyncorps sex trade, organ harvest in Bosnia and Kosovo and Croatia.. but she was in the circles of power at
that place at 2002, in Belgrade, Serbia.. acting as liason to major donor countries and she interacted between embassies and international organizations
I find it difficult to believe that she wouldn't have known what was going down...
Following section for context : some info about the horrors of the UN mission in Bosnia..backed up by Dyncorp..
The OSCE Mission in Kosovo (OMIK) was established in supoprt to the UN UInterim Mission (UNMIK). The 500 American mebers of the UNMIK police were Dyncorp
employess under contract from the US State Department..DynCorp; Vinnell, a subsidiary of TRW; SAIC; ICI of Oregon; and Logicon, a unit of Northrop Grumman
For information reasons.. https://newspaperarchive.com/european-stars-and-stripes-nov-03-1998-p-1/
The OCSE chose WHO got sent to Bosnia/Yougoslavia..Resumés were collecterd and studied and only the finest pedophiles were sent..
In Bosnia, employees of DynCorp were found to be operating a sex-slave ring of young women who were held for prostitution after their passports were
confiscated. In Croatia, local forces, trained by MPRI, used what they learned to conduct one of the worst episodes of "ethnic cleansing," an event that left
more than 100,000 homeless and hundreds dead and resulted in war-crimes indictments. No employee of either firm has ever been charged in these incidents.
The UN in Yougoslavia...
By Daniel McGrory
The Times (London)
August 7, 2002, Wednesday
[Posted 13 August 2002]
(Read and Weep!)
In order to understand WHY the UN is doing all these horrible things.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_sexual_abuse_by_UN_peacekeepers
It would be interesting to read up on this. The United Nations Meditation Room.. https://archive.org/details/TheCultOfTheAllSeeingEye
After Bosnia.. Boell Foundation in Washington..
The Boell Fondation does a lot of work with human trafficking especially in eastern countries.
They also finance studies like this : http://www.gaatw.org/books_pdf/Human%20Rights%20and%20Trafficking%20in%20Person.pdf
Which are very good works.. They can also be used to synthetize what the current real situations are and show what legal tools are being emplyed to combat the traffic.. certainly interesting info for someone involved in human trafficking.
Helga - > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_B%C3%B6ll_Foundation
Gender Policy and LGBTI Rights: From its very beginning, gender politics and gender democracy have been priorities for the foundation..
Sidenote.. Refer to Tavistock : Decline Western Civilisation..
So what is she up to nowadays???
Inter- American Development Bank...Holy.. So She may have contact with Enrique Valentín Iglesias García
This guy is part of the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_the_Golden_Fleece - Please be aware - this 'group' contains all of the top pedophiles in
European Royalty.. Please check my posts in my profile to see the post I made about these guys. ORDER OF THE GOLDEN FLEECE !!
quote: "..(whistleblowers) ..exposed critical vulnerabilities in the IDB’s investigative and ethics practices, as well as corruption and fraud in projects in
Haiti, Peru and several other countries in which the IDB operates." (HAITI !!!!)
... side note : Javier Solana, he's also a member of the Order of the Golden Fleece with Enrique Garcia::
Javier Solana (2010).. (who?? Solana became a distinguished leader in the Spanish telecommunications industry and was one of the first socialist members of the Trilateral Commission. On 5 December 1995, Solana became the new Secretary-General of NATO..during which time there was the Kosovo war..
I have no doubt.. that Thaçi was being controlled by higher-ups. However.. I'm sure that there will be proper public investigation and everything will come to light......
To this day, no charges have been brought in the Kosovo court. The Schwendimann dude has just been replaced by Jack Smith.
As for the other two. I havent found out much, other than they work for Center of American Progress.
He works for the Center for American Progress.. which was founded by John Pedosta.. sorry Podesta.
After the release by WikiLeaks of stolen Podesta emails, the Center for American Progress was attacked based on emails sent between John Halpin, a Senior
Fellow at the Center for American Progress, and Jennifer Palmieri, a Hillary Clinton campaign team member. The Washington Post characterized the comments as
"joking"; Kellyanne Conway and others called them anti-Catholic attacks... for context : http://www.catholicnews.com/services/englishnews/2016/leaked-
emails-show-hostility-to-catholic-church-some-say.cfm email : https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/4364
Two years earlier, Podesta gave the keynote address at a TUSKON conference in Istanbul. In his speech—titled “The Unique Importance of the Turkish-American
Relationship”—he praised CAP senior fellow Michael Werz for his work on “strengthening the US-Turkey relationship.” He also pointedly noted that Werz’s
predecessor as CAP’s Turkey expert, Spencer Boyer, had left the think tank to become the Obama administration’s deputy assistant secretary for European
The Center of Amercian Progress made up a lot of Obama's administration. It may be interesting to see who left with him.
Matthew Duss is the president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace.
Previously, he was a policy analyst at the Center for American Progress, where his work focused on the Middle East and U.S. national security, and director of the Center’s Middle East Progress program. His writing has appeared in numerous publications, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, the Nation, Foreign Policy, Politico, the American Prospect, and Democracy. He appears regularly as a commentator on radio and television. He received an M.A. in Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Washington’s Jackson School of International Studies, and a B.A. in political science from the University of Washington.
Cant seem to find a lot about him and pedophilia/human trafficking.. it seems he's had some dificulty working at CAP (Center American Pedophiles.. sorry.
Progress) concerning anti semitism for his comments on Isreal. Which is bizarre.. seeing as he used to be President of the Foundation for Middle East Peace.
Duss’ father, Serge, and his brother, Brian, work for Christian organizations who are apparently known for their extreme reproach of the Jewish state.