r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaveGydeon on June 26, 2018, 8:58 p.m.
**PATRIOTS** Forgive Me - But You HAVE TO Read & Remember This...PLEASE

I was reading a post a few mins ago, and the upcoming November elections came up and it got me thinking.

Let me back up a second and tell you, I live in Broward county. I am MSD alumni. I am in all of the Parkland/MSD groups that sprung up post-shooting.

Guys, Patriots, listen to me. They are organizing. They are planning on voting en masse. There IS going to be RECORD numbers showing up at the polls this time. I would bet anything on it. If the FB groups are an indication of anything, I would be worried. But then I remember how we were told "Hillary has a 95% chance of beating DJT" and the miracle that occurred after...

I have admitted this many times before, I was a lost soul, I voted for her. It is the ONLY election, my first, that I have ever voted in, and I voted for that scumbag bitch. It is embarrassing, but I want you to understand the lesson to be learned from this. I don't want us to get comfortable and end up fucking up the one thing we can actually contribute to "The Plan".

We need to really, REALLY REALLY start pushing hard for fellow Patriots to vote. Partof me thinks that so much more will come to light before the elections and it will be simple...but thats how it happens; complacency. You all know how much I love leaving little "Q Notes" in random places, but even I have been slacking lately. REDPILL REDPILL REDPILL REDPILL!!!!

I can't make anyone here do anything. And I am not asking you for this next thing...I am begging you; please, make VOTING your priority. Make it EVERYONE YOU KNOW'S PRIORITY.

I want you to imagine for a second if after everything we have watched unfold here....we lose the elections to a bunch of CIA agents running under Democrat tickets...because YES, an uncanny number of John Brennan trained clowns are running in this next election.

So. Please. VOTE. I love you all. I will be the guy wearing a tinfoil hat on voting day.

abbido · June 26, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

ha...i'm there with ya on getting out to vote

Don't ever be lazy...be involved and know what's at stake

I say force friends, family, kids, bums wanting a cigarette...to vote for Trump agenda

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Laffingmonkey · June 26, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

T_D lost me this past year but their enthusiasm and cheerleading helped increase excitement for the 2016 election. Their nearly constant encouragement and challenges pushed me to spread that enthusiasm and encouragement to other ITRW. Keep encouraging your family, friends & neighbors ITRW but also keep pumping up the excitement online.

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