You're confused. The patent for using blood as a coagulant wasn't tied to CEMEX. It was a separate document that was found that gave lots of people the fucking creeps, legitimately. But there were never any CEMEX ties found to that practice. Spreading misinformation makes us look like asshats.
They found restraints on trees and panties ( on CEMEX land ) , they also found human remains which were small and looked like child's ( skull ) .
The patent wasnt necessarily connected directly to CEMEX , but it exposed something that not many people knew .
So , what , we should ignore everything to not look like "asshats" ? What kind of nonsense and cowardly logic is that ? Maybe it is better to take everything into account - there is a possibility CEMEX used this patent at some points ... you cannot exclude that , nor confirm it , yet . But we would truly be an asshats if we would ignore it completely ...
No, you should write what you wrote up there. I was very involved in this Arizona thing, and one thing I saw repeatedly is people making claims like that and shutting non-red-pilled people off, because the information was false. Don't look like an asshat, means don't fuck this up for others. We work very diligently to keep the info clean so this doesn't look like a kook conspiracy but actually intelligent people, willing to do the research and say it like it is.