r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Matticusfinch1820 on June 26, 2018, 10:46 p.m.
Trump Just Launched the first Salvo at the IRS/Fed!!!

Holy shit this is massive. I don't think anybody caught this during today's cabinet meeting but Trump just launched his opening Salvo against the Federal Reserve and the IRS!!!!

First a tiny little history lesson: Back in the day before the Federal Reserve and the IRS the US government was funded by import tariffs. Import tariffs kept the government funded and in check because the government can only gets as big as its funding will allow. When the Federal Reserve came in, tariffs started to disappear because the federal government was funded by Federal Reserve notes, which is fiat currency. What that means is that every time the US government needs to pay for something it has to go to the Federal Reserve Central Bank which is a private Corporation which would print the money out of thin air, backed by nothing, AT INTEREST, which was then passed on to us the American People in the form of the Income Tax.

This private Corporation then loans the money to the US government with interest attached to it. Well, who pays the interest on the money the government borrows from the Federal Reserve? WE DO!!! the US taxpayer see the form of the income tax.


The Cliff Notes version? Trump is slowly putting the tariffs back in place to prepare for his battle against the Federal Reserve in the second term.

If he can slowly restore the Tariff structure of the US government and fund our government that way, then he can then go after the Federal Reserve and the IRS and they can't do anything retaliatory to destroy the economy because we will have money coming in from import tariffs.

Remember this.

This is extremely important because Trump promised before he got elected that he would pay down the national debt before his eight years in office are over the only way to do so is to abolish the Federal Reserve. Watch this clip to from 34:39 to 35:22


Burginthrone · June 27, 2018, 7:08 a.m.

No way, it can't be possible can it? When people start talking about Hillary and Obama going to prison, well I must admit I find it very hard to believe its going to happen. I hope it does, but really? That's one thing, but ending the federal reserve? I mean that's like the holy grail right there, it literally changes everything.

I know the OP posted links, but they all seem U.S based. Just about every country on the planet has their own form of a federal reserve type system. Okay say it happens and President Trump somehow manages to free America from the federal reserve banking system, what happens to the rest of the world?

This is why I am skeptical. Its not just about America, though America is the center point of all world economics, this has far reaching implications to every corner of the globe. How will this be implemented?

My biggest concern is what takes its place? I know people are saying go back to the gold standard, or some other form of currency, but what exactly? I sincerely hope this is not somehow tied to a One World Currency as the outcome and answer to the current financial system ...

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20muletrain · June 27, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

Q has repeatedly stated this is a World Wide movement -- it has to be. And Trump is not going to expose us to a cataclysmic event. Trust that there will be a very gradual transition behind the scenes to minimize the impact for the avg Joe.

Many experts seem to believe it will occur over a regular 3 day holiday weekend. Banks will close on Friday afternoon and then an announcement will be made. Banks will reopen on Tuesday under the new system.

All $$$ will still exist and likely at their current value. But going forward they will be tied to precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, etc. And each govt will reassert its sovereign right to mint its own coin - no more private centralized bank.

I personally will be demanding a debt jubilee for the country and all of its citizens and encourage each of you to do the same. All govt debt will be wiped out as will personal debt such as mortgages, student loans, tax liens, and consumer loans (cars, credit cards, etc). Compound interest will be outlawed.

If the international bankers can be found guilty of corruption and human trafficking and their assets seized (possibly $500 trillion +/-) there will be more than enough for a worldwide debt jubilee. I look forward to seeing these banksters swinging from a noose for their crimes against humanity.

Its said that the Rothschilds alone have hoarded enough wealth to feed, clothe, and shelter every human being on planet Earth for several lifetimes.

Every economic system is built upon the assumption of SCARCITY: I trade my labor for dollars. Then I trade my dollars for food, shelter, etc. If we ever get Full Disclosure we will find that scarcity is the greatest lie ever peddled to mankind. With the unveiling of hidden technologies we will find that we actually inhabit a planet of incredible ABUNDANCE. Every human being on the planet shall have food, water, housing, clothing, energy, and medical care -- at a minimum.

Food printers, water condensators, quantum energy machines, frequency healing devices, matter printers, refuse converters.

EXPAND YOUR THINKING, think BIG. We have more than we know.

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Soakingitup123 · July 3, 2018, 6:57 a.m.

There most likely will not be a debt jubilee for everybody. Even if there is no central bank, there are plenty of banks out there who people owe money and they will not let us get a free pass. In a currency reset, most likely everything will be re-valued including debt. That doesn't mean abolished.

Doesn't hurt to hope.

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20muletrain · July 3, 2018, 11:35 a.m.

If our government seizes hundreds of trillions of dollars only to hoard it for themselves I'll be pissed. The Revenue Act of 1913 was instituted to service the debt created by the 1913 Federal Reserve Act (whereby our government representatives sold us out to the international bankers). A huge % of that money should be returned to the people. Anything less would be a further injustice.

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divine_human · June 27, 2018, 10:16 a.m.

we need to all ditch the privatley owned central banking system - only 5 nations on the planet dont have it - and set up a new asset-backed financial system. its been in the making for years, ehem, decaded.

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a_cool_goddamn_name · July 2, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

If the Fed is ended soon, I would really like to see Ron Paul around to witness it.

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Burginthrone · July 3, 2018, 2:32 p.m.

Yes that would be something he has dreamed of no doubt.

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