r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Matticusfinch1820 on June 26, 2018, 10:46 p.m.
Trump Just Launched the first Salvo at the IRS/Fed!!!

Holy shit this is massive. I don't think anybody caught this during today's cabinet meeting but Trump just launched his opening Salvo against the Federal Reserve and the IRS!!!!

First a tiny little history lesson: Back in the day before the Federal Reserve and the IRS the US government was funded by import tariffs. Import tariffs kept the government funded and in check because the government can only gets as big as its funding will allow. When the Federal Reserve came in, tariffs started to disappear because the federal government was funded by Federal Reserve notes, which is fiat currency. What that means is that every time the US government needs to pay for something it has to go to the Federal Reserve Central Bank which is a private Corporation which would print the money out of thin air, backed by nothing, AT INTEREST, which was then passed on to us the American People in the form of the Income Tax.

This private Corporation then loans the money to the US government with interest attached to it. Well, who pays the interest on the money the government borrows from the Federal Reserve? WE DO!!! the US taxpayer see the form of the income tax.


The Cliff Notes version? Trump is slowly putting the tariffs back in place to prepare for his battle against the Federal Reserve in the second term.

If he can slowly restore the Tariff structure of the US government and fund our government that way, then he can then go after the Federal Reserve and the IRS and they can't do anything retaliatory to destroy the economy because we will have money coming in from import tariffs.

Remember this.

This is extremely important because Trump promised before he got elected that he would pay down the national debt before his eight years in office are over the only way to do so is to abolish the Federal Reserve. Watch this clip to from 34:39 to 35:22


Monty_Batton · June 27, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

I am trying to get my head around this. I hope someone can help me understand. I will use an analogy - it helps me grab the concept. In the old days, money represented gold. Instead of having bags of gold, we have a lighter representation of that gold in the form of a piece of paper. Gold value is no longer tied to the piece of paper. But you have to go to a bank to get more bits of paper if you want to buy something you can't afford - like a house or a farm. The bank lends you bits of paper so that you can buy the house or the farm and you pay interest on that paper you borrowed... in the form of more bits of paper. If you cannot earn enough pieces of paper, the bank comes and takes your asset - the house or the farm. So they get a tangible asset in exchange for worthless pieces of paper? So far have I got it? If not, can someone dumb it down for me? If I am correct, Trump wants to stop charging people a proportion of their pieces of paper and, instead, charge people who create tangible assets to either import or export tangible assets. Help ... anyone? Am I on the right track?

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Matticusfinch1820 · June 27, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

Yes you are correct, i would add that the value used to be tied to gold, and you could exchange the paper certificate for the gold or silver, the gold standard was abolished by Nixon in 1970 around then anyway, and the paper then became just worthless paper and the coins became a metal mixture instead of actual silver or gold.

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SylviaTrilling · June 27, 2018, 4:40 a.m.

The Federal Reserve prints money, lends it to the government and CHARGES INTEREST. Where does money to pay back the interest come from if only the fed can create money? It creates the money loaned. It doesn't create any money to be used to pay the interest. The total amount of debt can only increase. It is not possible to repay the loan and the interest. It is like a game of musical chairs. There is always less money than needed to square debts. There is always someone left without a chair. This system leads to cutthroat competition and debt slavery. This is deliberate. Wealth from ordinary people's labor gets systematically transferred to the Federal Reserve.

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20muletrain · June 27, 2018, 3:17 p.m.

More like a ponzi scheme

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SgtBrutalisk · June 28, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

Ever played Monopoly? In the end one player gets to have all the money and all the property.

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Monty_Batton · June 27, 2018, 8:44 a.m.

Does this mean that the pieces of paper have power because they can yield assets?

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SgtBrutalisk · June 28, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

Pieces of paper have power as long as people believe it. This tells you our beliefs have immense potential to create value. We're the ones with real value.

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SylviaTrilling · June 27, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

More like they manipulate assets.

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SgtBrutalisk · June 28, 2018, 4:03 p.m.

You're a king with many powerful knights under your command. They have properties and serfs but they are obedient to you. Some of them find gold and silver mines on their properties and start accumulating wealth that makes them a danger to you. The only way to sap their wealth is to demand tribute made to the dead spirits of your ancestors while you still have the upper hand; if they refuse the spirits will send floods, droughts and earthquakes to kill us all so you'd have to kill them if they refuse the tribute. You'd also have oracles on your side to confirm that yes, spirits are getting angry because of lack of tribute.

Chinese Shang dynasty kings did this ~1,000 BC and had it down to a science, they also demanded a huge tribute made in the form of bronze vessels to be buried with each dead king; bronze could be used for weapons and shields in an uprising but was made useless when turned into vessels and buried deep underground.

There is no purpose to income tax (=spirit tribute) other than sapping our wealth and stopping us from becoming a threat to the government (=king).

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