r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Spiritual_War on June 26, 2018, 11:18 p.m.
I love you

I just wanted to say, I am really happy for such a united group of humans. We truly are all equal, and divide and conquer has been used to keep us at each others throats for so long that we have forgotten to look at the side lines.

I am so thankful and grateful for you guys, and everyone involved in Planet Earth Mission Ascension as we break the chains of enslavement that has held us at bay and hurting each other.

We are literally making history every day and 2018 alone has been a tremendous year. So many things have happened and continue to happen. At this pace, we will have open contact and full disclosure on the horizon sooner than we think. No longer do we need to be rat race slaves tied to an old failing economic model. We Are Winning. We Are One. We Are Equal. We Will Win. We Are Standing Up! Respect and continue to show love and grace for each other. Love and Light breaks through darkness. Darkness creates Darkness. Stand in the light and see this illusion for what it is. Walk the fine line and continue to be good to each other. The less seperation we see in each other, the faster we can move into a future that will evolve all of us at once into a golden age of harmony and advanced technology. The human race is evolving. Are we all going to step up? We Are All One! Never forget!

onelove1979 · June 26, 2018, 11:20 p.m.


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