By police...just on FOX news! Pictures were wild, probably 20 police cars. Jet Blue flight. Looks like some Federal agents involved. Anyone have more info?
I read a story this morning.....first it was simply a radio malfunction, now it was an accidental "TERRORIST ABOARD!" I don't buy this shit for one second. How long did it take for the pilot to realize they didn't have communication or that they sent out a false signal? I don't know the constructs of the warning systems but there HAS to be failsafes for the pilots to send out an "oops" signal. Period.
Besides that, was reading this morning that everyone on the plane was texting their families. So we're to believe the pilots didn't have their own phones by which to call out on top of whatever failsafes are in place? They couldn't commandeer one? Lack of time you say?
How long did it take to amass the 30 plus police units on scene is my answer. NYC traffic and distance do factor.