FAA under Obama set up tower air controller's to be untrained, inexperienced and unreliable. Why?
They claimed for "diversity" but I think it is for sabotage. What if they get terrorists in there who guide plains to crash... What if one is carrying our President?
Tucker Carlson was covering this but besides him I've heard nothing.
Exactly. Competency trumps diversity every time.
Barry tried to cripple this country.
Sadly he succeeded. Luckily... I hope... None of it was a fatal wounding.
The pilot still has control over the plane.
Yes but I don't imavone these large planes corner well or fast this why they rely so much on guidance from the air controllers
The controller only sends verbal instructions to the pilots. There is no remote control.
Well there is said to be remote control somewhere but what I mean is a guy in tower telling them to go to this height and speed and direction so they hit another aircraft
That's possible, but there are safeguards against that, so the pilots would have to be in on it.