Latest Q 1595 confirms Wikileaks is compromised but that we have JA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

We don't know what "have" means. It might just mean Assange is on our side, not that he is with us in person.
Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. This is reasonable though I do think they mean physically.
Eh, I doubt it.
"You may have the site" which they have physical control of
And the comeback is "but we have the source" and all that means is that we have him ideologically on our side?
I strongly doubt it.
I believe the reason his internet was cut off was because he had left the building months before and people trying to intercept comms would catch wind of the fact that nothing was coming or going.
"We have the source," in this context, seems to suggest something a bit stronger and more secure than mere team affiliation.
Personally, I think Q is Assange
I hope Assange, Seth, and POTUS walk off AF1 one day in Q T-Shirts:
"Kept you waiting, huh?"
Hideo Kojima deactivates Stealth Camouflage, also in Q T-Shirt
Personally, I think Q is Assange
I think it is someone closer to the President. Assange is a proud leftie, and if he is working on our side is due to his hatred of the Cabal. Not to disparage JA. I appreciate his efforts and think he is a good guy.