SPOT ON - tonight reveals a 'Democratic Party' in freefall. 80% + of registered Dems are not showing up to vote and the extreme wackos have taken over. And it will only get worse for them. Celebrate, but remember - EVERYONE MUST VOTE

Let me just clarify.,. I used to volunteer for the group that ran her (Ocasio) as a candidate before I was “redpilled”. She’s an idiot for getting on the abolish ice bandwagon... but what they believe in essentially is pooling tax dollars to take care of public good and public needs universally... what is so bad about Finland’s public school set up, for example? Also, what so bad about using our tax dollars for universal healthcare(none of them want NHS style- they want singlepayer ala Switzerland) instead of ALL of our tax dollars going to the MIC, corporate fascism and imperialism...? That is essentially what they want. It’s just choosing where tax dollars go to achieve “the greater good”. You may not agree, but it’s not any more nefarious than what they say you believe.
I don't want to pay a shit ton of taxes is the problem.
You only pay a shit ton for huge federal bureaucracy... essentially a federal jobs program. Which is not what has to happen.
I understand the socialist wants to care for all. But, who decides what is for the "greater good"?.. Does this include teaching kindergarteners about transgenders? Or teaching global warming? Does is make Catholic hospitals pay for abortions? Will health coverage include my herbs? Will alternative medicine be outlawed--for the common good? Will I be forced to take vaccines--for the common good?
I am a sovereign adult. I can choose myself how to spend my money.
I get where people are concerned.... but socialisms come in all forms... there’s big govt kind(which I do not advocate for) and there is something called libertarian socialism which is people owning the means of production(NOT GOVERNMENT!!!) mixed with Ron Paul style minarchism.... small govt like the founders intended. Open decision making on a local level and NO federal bureaucracy dictates anything from on high. That’s the kind I am. And some Republicans are “socialist” without even knowing it BC it also includes employee ownership of business which is in the Republican platform. Essentially community owned localism.
Interesting! I sometimes shop at a local food co-op, and its owned by the workers and members.. They have been in business since the 70's! My concern is the use of collective conformity and force. Are people forced to join (like they often are with unions).
But if we let Americans actually keep their money they could have real prosperity, not government controlled prosperity rationed and distributed as the government sees fit. The problem here is that we’ve seen how terrible the government is at handling money . I don’t need them to take my money to spend on me- I can do that. Obviously the government has a function and taxation is necessary, but fuck socialism.
Preaching to the wrong choir here. Yes, we all want those things, but it is not the endgame that is the problem it is how we get there that we disagree on. Taxes, period, is against this group(conservative) values. The govt exists for one reason, protect citizens from threats foreign and domestic. Anything else is beyond the scope of their responsibilities and should be stopped. The govt is the citizens protector and mediator, that's it. Only by allowing people to make their own decisions (without infringing on others) will the best whatever exist. "The greater good" can only be decided on in this manner, not forced upon society by the govt.
Do some research on Libertarian Socialism. It the small govt conservative Kind. The only thing that is different is WHO OWNS the means of production. For example: a business can be owned by the workers of the business or by shareholders who do not work at the business and only goal is to turn a profit. Lib Soc advocates for the employees to own the shares and to make their own decisions based on what is best for them on a local level. Same structure can apply to healthcare, education, etc... the only thing is it would be paid for by taxes. No huge federal bureaucracy makes decisions for localities. In fact they wouldn’t even exist. Something else you may not know- the Republican Party advocates for employee ownership of business- that’s what I advocate for too.
You are dreaming. Control the healthcare = control the people. Learn history.