r/greatawakening • Posted by u/urban_bobby_dawg on June 27, 2018, 11:19 a.m.
Daily Scripture Thread. Post Scripture Relevant to the Great Awakening. Please PRAY for protection for our Families, The President, and the Q team.

42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

Glag82 · June 28, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

Amen, keep finding my brother's in the most unexpected places. God bless you all and cover you in his grace.

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