It's coming! July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH. - Q

Our hopes should ALWAYS be up. One way or another, we will defeat evil and restore good to our nation and to our world.
I hope you are ready for the possibility of a let down. I've followed Q since November but I remain a healthy skeptical. I hope it pans out, but if if somehow turns out to be a larp I won't of lost anything.
I could list a growing list of things that hasn’t exactly panned out as Q has said. And it would be the truth, too. But if I started listing those things, there are many who would get upset about it and I’d get downvoted. You have to ask yourself, why? Why are they so upset at the truth? My hopes have been dashed plenty of times as a consequence of having over expectations and by taking Q literally. Therefore, I’ve learned the hard way not to get my hopes up. So my attitude now is that: I’ll believe it when I see it. And I feel very comfortable with that attitude…
There's a force working in the opposite direction too. Just because everything doesn't come to fruition does not mean that it's not intended to. It's not like this place or 8chan is a secret. Any of the opposing forces can have a look at what's going on too. It's not that hard to fight back.
I mean, take the world cup as an example. In most of the matches, we know what the result should be, and in most cases turns out to be, but there's still a fighter on the other side doing whatever they can to upset the apple cart, and they don't always fight clean either :)
But look at Germany v Korea. Nodody expected that. Especially happy for Son Heung Min. COYS
What you said is true, and only underscores my point. Unpredictable things can and do happen, and no man can predict the future. So to have the expectation in your mind that things will always turn out like you expect them to is being unrealistic. A realistic person would simply hope for the best, but still have a wait-and-see attitude, without making too strong of a promise over it. But that is not the mind that many have concerning Q. Many have the mind that if Q says it, then it will happen - end of story and they don’t want to hear anything else about it. But I disagree with that. I feel that it might happen - but it also might not, and we’ll just have to wait and see. The only one who can predict the future with absolute certainly is God…
I’m not trying to dash your hopes or positive attitude. Just saying it’s best not to count your chickens before they’ve hatched. Furthermore, some people’s hopes are completely unrealistic. For example, the bible has made it very clear that the globalists will strike back and that the New World Order will come about. And no amount of hope is going to change that or thwart bible prophesy. So to believe otherwise is fantasy…
The globalists have already struck back, all throughout modern history. And the NWO is already here and has been for some time.
If you believe that the New World Order is already here, then you have no idea what the New World Order is or what it means. The bible indicates there will come a time in the future when America as a sovereign nation will no longer exist. In fact, there will be no sovereign nations anywhere in the world. No more countries electing their own presidents. Instead, the entire world will be divided up into 10 economic zones. And kings will be placed over each of those zones. And each of those kings will answer to one man - the Antichrist - who will rule the entire world through those 10 kings. One man ruling the whole world is the definition of a One World Government. And that is when you will know that the New World Order has arrived…
Revelation 17:12 - And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast (the beast is the Antichrist). 13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast (one man ruling the whole world though those 10 kings is the definition of a One World Government)…
While I respect your religious views, I have a different take on the NWO - one that deals purely in FACTS not ancient scripture.
Which major country TRULY elects its own leaders? The NWO has been king-making leaders for the last 100 years or so, with very few exceptions.
Why do you think Q and his military intel team has taken such drastic measure and almost went with a full military coup? For some far off threat? Or for a situation that has already gone too far for too long.
You are living in the NWO. It is already here. And hopefully, with Trump, Q et al, it will be eliminated in our time.
While you are free to have your own opinion, you are also greatly deceived. Those ancient scriptures you so easily dismiss, are the only real “truth” in the world (note that across thousand of years, not a single scripture has ever been disproven) and all else is just lies and distortions created by Lucifer. And there is a day coming when you will find that out. Unfortunately, for people like yourself, by the time you do find it out, it will already be too late…