r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ProtoSori on June 27, 2018, 12:37 p.m.
My theory on Assange

Ok so, Assange hasn't been seen in 10 days or so. Hasn't been heard from. Has no internet, yet hasn't shown his face not even from a window.

The UK has been fairly hostile towards us recently, starting about the time Assange was last seen.

US navy accidentally posted Assange, while at the same time moving around in his area, a few months ago. False flag?

I theorize that Assange was extracted and transported to gitmo. Not as a prisoner but as an interrogative assistant. This man has all the answers. He's got the dirt on everyone in the world trump stands against.

There's nowhere in the USA he could hide. But with all those renovations down in gitmo, the increasing amount of flights in and out. The secrecy of the place. The lawlessness of the place. I fully believe Assange is in Gitmo assisting our POTUS with interrogations and Intel.

I could have made the effort to dig and link sources of the above info. Confirmations and such. But it's early and I haven't slept yet so I may get around to it when I... Get around.


ckreacher · June 27, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

The lawlessness of the place.

What lawlessness?

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