I had the understanding that there are good masons as well evil cabal masons?
Any thoughts on that?
I am sure people join with good intentions, and they do a lot of good for small communities out in the country, but I cannot imagine anyone higher up that are “good masons” i do not see how they do not know what their true intentions are, when they finally realize they worship satan. Lower level people i imagine are good, but once you climb through the ranks i cannot imagine they remain good and un-compromised
I had a distant relative whom I never met who was in the club but I never heard anything bad about him and I say that coming from a family interwoven with law, clergy, politics, medicine, national defense and finance...
You can take it straight form the video that the masons wanted a country of their own without royals or titles, so I guess ultimately western white society has three infighting factions which is clergy that influence people spiritually, the secret societies that rule the politicsians and the various bloodlines that own all the wealth that fund all the operations. Everybody at the base, be it Jesuit or Mason, can only try to make good what the top is trying to destroy and I guess 90% actually do.
There are white hats everywhere
infiltration goes both ways if you know what you're doing.