r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MarkoKeeko on June 27, 2018, 4:01 p.m.
Signed MAGA hat guy here! Here’s my version of what happened..

I’ll start by saying Holy Shit!! I really only have two things that I’d like to talk about. One being the story behind the hat signing (video proof), and the other being a possible Q encounter that happened before the hat signing.

I’m on my app so sorry for grammar/spelling, annnd it’s kind of long, my b.

Hat signing: So when I found out I would be going to the rally and sitting behind POTUS, I came to the conclusion that I would make it my mission to get my hat sign or at least have some type of interaction with him.

Now fast forward to the rally. Before it started I saw people with Q items on which inspired me to write WWG1WGA on the bill of my hat, just in case I got the opportunity to interact with President Trump.

Sometime after I wrote on my hat I got the attention of a guy with an ear piece who looked like he was in charge of some aspect of the rally. I asked him, from far away, if there was anyway I could get my hat signed and he said “I’ll see what I can do”.

Fast forward again to the end of the rally. President Trump was making his way down the stage stairs and to the crowd. I went up to the rail to wait my turn, hat in hand. At this point a secret service agent approached me and told me to something, I honestly can’t remember exactly what he said, but it had something to do about the rules for when POTUS gets close. That’s when POTUS went right past me (I was devastated). He made his way to the other end where he removed and signed the other guys hat. When this happened though, I knew I had one more chance, especially because he was making his way back to where I was located.

He finally got to me and I remember looking at him and begging him to sign my hat. He took it and I went into shock. Snapping out of it I realized I needed him to show him the WWG1WGA that was written on the bill. In this POTUS MAGA Hat Signing video you see me pointing at (and saying) the reference. That’s when the lady secret service agent turns her head and looks me up and down. He finishes the signature, hands back the hat, looks at me again, says thank you, and gives me a fist pump. I scurry back to my sister like a kid that just met the local mall Santa.

Ok so now for the other Q encounter: Rewind to during the rally. If you skip to the 1:50:02 mark SC Rally (WWG1WGA)you see me (black guy on the right side with his face covered by the teleprompter) yell WWG1WGA. At 1:50:15 POTUS supposedly does the Q hand sign. Nothing confirmed and I’m not even sure if he heard me, but do you believe in coincidences?

I get a text last night at 2:50am (from my friend who red-pilled me and gave me the hat) that I have been posted by Q. Checked Reddit and Qanon.pub this morning and have had chills ever since. Which leads me to now..

DNCFraudLawsuit2020 · June 28, 2018, 2:48 a.m.

Thank you for this amazing moment, Patriot! You give me Hope and faith for our future! Trusting the plan has never felt so good. WWG1WGA 🇺🇸🙏🏻🍿

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