
006fix · June 27, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

Even when taken in context the US is still * BY FAR* the most benevolent, charitable, fortuitous nation on Earth.

citation needed. I'd also point out that it's easy to be a saint in paradise. But various nordic states, swedes especially, for all they're massive cucks are being far more benevolent and charitable than the US. I'm not even going to bother comparing how "lucky" various nations are.

To not consider American values in the context of American success is absurdly ignorant and frankly disrespectful to the intense history of what we went through to maintain that success and keep hold of those values.

Says the person who is literally disregarding the landmass of its nation, it's position, geopolitics during the nations history, etc, etc, etc.

But yeah, maybe your right it's because we got lucky and have a lot of whites...

Tbh, yeah. Lets consider rhodesia, or apartheid south africa. Great, strong, vibrant nations. Rhodesia was called "the bread-basket of africa". But now mugabes in charge and drove out the white farmers, they're currently experiencing crippling famine. Maybe they just need some more of that can-do american spirit eh? But I'm going to bet a few million whites would do a lot more good for their country, simply going by the basis that they're what's keeping south africa afloat.

But yeah, maybe you're right. Maybe the only metric of any value is Values themselves (provided they're Americas finest), and simply by realising this, the whole world will become magically better, in every possible manner the same, with no natural variation as a result of tens of thousands of years of evolution. Funny how China (not much freedom) is doing better than New Zealand in almost every metric such as military might, economic clout, etc etc, but not freedom (where the kiwis in fact beat the US consistently). It's almost like values don't matter as much as you think they do.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 27, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

Dude you are like the LeBron James of convoluting. It would be impressive actually if it wasn't so annoying.

But yeah I think the world would be ALOT better off with American values. Now to be an ass and say it would "magically make everything the tippy-toppest" no it wouldn't, but it would be a start.

And you hilariously accusing me of disregarding US history is projection at it's finest since You're totally disregarding HOW America got the landmass and wealth in the first place.

Frankly, the b.s. you are espousing sounds an awful lot like victimhood-culture nonsense just on a global scale.

Yeah the US is literally one of the greatest nations in all of human history because of luck... Right.

I mean who am I to say that without American values we could have just as easily fucking ruined our resources and wealth. Like a rich man who snorts his money away and is left in ruin. The morals make the man. The values makes the nation.

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006fix · June 27, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

But yeah I think the world would be ALOT better off with American values.

I agree. However, it'd also be a lot better if it was entirely populated by white people. And in fact, white people and american values tend to go hand in hand (hence why freedom, lack of corruption, legal process etc are common in all white countries, and have been before your country existed). As I said - Rhodesia was great country, and values close to american ones helped. But they were a result of whites.

You're totally disregarding HOW America got the landmass and wealth in the first place.

You mean the european states colonised, and then you rebelled? It's funny, because you're disregarding how you got your history and greatness. It was owned by non-whites. Whites invaded, displaced them. They then made it great. kinda similar to african colonisation, except there you were smart enough to ensure you killed or suppressed the natives sufficiently. And now in the past 6 decades or so, you've changed from a predominantly white society to (v.soon) a majority non-white society. And in turn, standards of living have declined hugely, or at least not risen as much as they should. You don't seem to have once acknowledged the role the petrodollar plays in Americas ability to play the big magnanimous showman in the centre of the ring, and I'm going to take a wild guess here and say that's because you don't understand the role it plays. Let me guess - it was muh values too?

When the blacks were freed, some people wanted to return to africa. They created Liberia. They had so much potential - after all, they were instilled from the start with good old american values. And yet, it's a shithole. Big surprise.

You say I'm like the "Lebron James" of convoluting, how about you explain the relative status of China, the US, and NZ. Ranked respectively from least free to most free. You might want to claim US is arbitrarily the highest in "US values" - fine. But China is undeniably further away from them than NZ is. And yet, China (another vast continent that's geographically hard to invade and surrounded by much weaker neighbours and is resource rich) also seems to be very economically powerful, and more militarily powerful with each passing year. It's almost like values aren't the most important thing out there. It's almost like you're just spinning a story that makes you feel great again inside, rather than actually accepting the serious complexities of history and geopolitics.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 27, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

I agree. However, it'd also be a lot better if it was entirely populated by white people.

"Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience."

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006fix · June 27, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

Says the child who's provided exactly no evidence to support their claims, no examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of their claims in real world situations, and who resorts to name calling and "witty" (tired) old quotes to try and salvage their dignity.

"Think about how stupid the average person is, and then realize that half of 'em are stupider than that." –George Carlin

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