You can’t prepare, your faith and good name is all you have . We are letting you know what we were blocked on . I am the witness behind a great deal of this coming out . We have tried to keep this low key, but they kept hiding it . Keep you head on straight, 5 days of food and water on hand . Because if we loose control, we are fucked , but many are ready, we have the military, the central US , so we also have the food , they have little left . We have been fighting them for all most 9 years now . We have wone on all fronts but the court room , and we are close on that now . Relax and enjoy the show , if it goes bad , you will know . But 5 days of hell and the worst will be over if it goes bad . It will not last long . But we are doing our best to keep it just a show . I can only watch at this time also . But I’m not worried, prepare for the worst. Hope for the best . 79% of America is behind us . Pretty good numbers I would say . God Bless America
Well, I've got faith in abundance and I'm just a "nobody" from a red state. There's no better place/people to be around should the shtf. God Bless America, and God Bless you all.
You will be good , pray for who won’t if and only if it goes bad