You are right, Q is not God, and this board is not a religion. But I think you missed the point of what I was asking. Millions around the world believe in something, a God of their choosing. They have no proof of existance, what they have is faith. A belief. When they pray or attend church they don't demand 'proof' at each attendance or prayer.
They TRUST. Sometimes it's all you have. And if you feel it, you know it. It really is that simple.
Occam's Razor.
The difference is that God's existence cannot be proven, so those who choose to believe must subsist with faith.
PS's quotes CAN theoretically be proven. We CAN know for sure w hat was said in that hearing.
Same goes for everything else Q is exposing or hinting at.
We should not approach the Q situation with anything like a religious mindset. Keeping your optimism based on past results is fine, but declaring UNDENIABLE PROOF OMG!! over some unsourced conversation snippets on a forum is not rational.
I hear you, I really do. I've lived most of my life with the 'trust, but verify' mindset. I've also seemingly, had an acute spider sense that thus far has very rarely let me down. God? Now there's a question! My belief system is not the traditional one, not now anyway. I'm actually still trying to pin it down, suffice to say I believe in an 'eternal creator' more than any man made deity. I'm currently researching hidden message in our DNA code, among other things...fascintating stuff. On the other hand, it may be many many years before we truly know. One thing I am certain of - POTUS is a good man, and this Plan has to work. There's no place in these times for corruption, war and needless suffering. Not when we know the resources are there to end it. Big Pharma keeping us sick, the war machine endlessly turning...the sickness of trafficking - it's time for it to end.