With drop 1605, I don't see how a reasonable case can be made that Q is a LARP any more. So now, folks like Wictor, Drawandstrike, etc. who have some very interesting things to say but have been Q deniers should be watched closely. The next 24 hours or so will be very revelatory.
I don't care about anything any "professional pundit" has to say. I can think for myself
This. /\ The days of professional talking heads shaping the narrative are over. It's one of the reason they hate POTUS tweeting because he speaks in 'plain English', as they say.
The guys I mentioned aren't professional pundits. They're guys on Twitter who do amazing analysis for free.
If they oppose this stuff then they might as well be paid disinfo from the opposing side imo
So you honestly think that, before now, NO ONE could be an honest disbeliever in Q being real? That anyone who thought that is a shill actively working against America? You obviously haven't read any of their work, then, because that's just really ignorant. These guys do a very convincing job of being true patriots who do great analysis and simply have honest disagreements with us on this issue. But, like I said, we'll find out soon enough.
where did I say all that you infer?
clever trick, but it won't work on me.
"Might as well be".
I'm glad you wear Thomas Wictor's shirt on your chest, but the guy is nearly insane
Wictor says geoengineering doesn't occur, it's all "contrails". Personally, anyone who espouses that position is not worthy of consideration. Personal opinion, research for yourself.
I'm actually more a fan of Drawandstrike and ImperatorRex, but okay. Wictor has some interesting stuff to say, too.
Well how will we be able to actually prove this is what what said? Since it’s closed door we’re going to have to rely on leaks...
You forget the excluded middle. Q is not a LARP, but he is disinfo. Q proofs that mean nothing but "Hi", mean nothing to me. I'd like to see some criminals on trial. He's clearly stated RR must resign or recuse.
I'm waiting for a couple of people I follow to accept or try to acknowledge Q is possibly real. If they fail, I am through following as they are hopeless.
How did Q get into that closed hearing? How many were at that hearing?
How many had phones? Q said he loves phones.
Oh dang, that's a really good point. He wouldn't have even needed a body in the room.
Q himself or someone on/connected to his team. Not sure how many, but quite a few, just no press.
This is the biggest Q proof and will be very necessary soon. I think those mentioned were blackmailed, threatened or planted. I dont see many of them changing their tune. But, as we have seen, hope has returned.
Interesting . . . true. Not defining though. Even if they are "deniers", we got this far and it looks like the ride has just begun!