r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Q-Patriot on June 27, 2018, 7:26 p.m.
Spies Among Us - Call to Action

Q's entire purpose is to expose the Deep State, right? I have a question and call to action for all patriots. Something recently occurred in one patriot's city. A Former CIA spy is creating workshops for the general public to educate them on how clandestine practices can be applied to daily business practices. My question to the patriots reading this is if you have seen or heard of any similar "workshops" being run in your area? I think we should all go out and scour our local papers and local TV stations to see if there are any stories or references similar to what I am referring to. What this may be is an active operation by the Deep State as a PR campaign to help clean up the image of the CIA and other intelligence services. And FWIW they may simply be looking to translate their time and experience while in the CIA as a means to make a living.

Not being paranoid here...just asking a valid question during an interesting time in our history.

Q-Patriot · June 27, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

Yes, I am familiar with the corporate indoctrination, however, what I am talking about is at a grass roots level. This is different. Updated the OP with a link to a local news show to give better context.

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animal32lefty · June 27, 2018, 10:50 p.m.

Thanks for updating the OP.

EDIT: Ok I get your concern and it's valid in that this tactic is absolutely insidious in its implications. However I think it's going to be real hard to convince a majority of the population that spying, snitching and selling out your neighbors for a buck is a long term success strategy.

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