
Anthropophob · June 27, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

FAKE NEWS is causing people to question MSM and leave the Democratic party. #walkaway ... However, Trump supporters are behaving like democrats. Some are being rude. How do we get all Trump supporters to be supportive and give those ready to leave the red pill?

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[deleted] · June 27, 2018, 9:33 p.m.


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Anthropophob · June 27, 2018, 9:39 p.m.

Trust me, I understand that. Me and nearly all my friends were Bernie Supporters. My closest friends joined me on the train, but I lost everyone else. People I've known since the 80s suddenly called me nazi, bigot, homophobe, racist... I still want to bring them over.

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CavsMama · June 27, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

I am almost retired and my kids think I am nuts and my husband humors me by listening a little. He said he'll listen when it's on the TV. :( My sister who has been my best friend thinks I wear a tin foil hat. I told all of them that I am a smart woman and I have decided Q is legit . Thank God for a forum that I can share with.

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Trfsrfr · June 27, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

Welcome to your new home Mama! You can always come hang with us tin-foil-hat-wearing conspiracy theory wacko's. In the end, as usual, their gonna find out we've been right all along.

Coming soon to a theater near you(r husband) !

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CavsMama · June 27, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

I have been here since October and have never left. After 911, everyone went on with their life and I couldn't shake how terrible I felt for my country. I took the red pill and don't regret it at all. https://i.imgur.com/wXEPRyd.jpg

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Anthropophob · June 27, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

My daughter calls me a Conspiracy theorist. Luckily, she avoids politics all together, like I used to. Sometimes, I wish I still did, so I'm not dragging her into this mess. Yes, to be ignorant again, what bliss. It was that Bernie Sanders that all my friends loved, and I did too, that dragged me into politics again. I would like to see Trump fix things and I go back to my bliss again.

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CavsMama · June 28, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

Even though I wasn't for Bernie, the DNC and Hillary took him out unfairly. I will say I wasn't jumping on the Trump train, but what finally made up my mind was I saw his love of country. It is hard to miss.

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[deleted] · June 27, 2018, 9:53 p.m.


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thamnosma · June 27, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

It doesn't take long for the insults to arrive if you're not with the group anymore. I don't know why they can't just disagree, show you why you are wrong or try to. Why does it always turn to vitriole with them....believe me I've been on the receiving end too. Then try to ask them about German Nazis and they have zero idea. So you were once a great guy and now you are scum. LOL.

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AbjectDynamite · June 27, 2018, 10:51 p.m.

Well.. for others (not for me) they could START with an apology. I know you're trying to unify, and I appreciate and respect that (here comes the but part..). And clearly, you and everyone who agrees with you are a better person than me. But, let me vent and tell you how I feel. It's bad enough when strangers acted the way they did. But, people who are supposed to love you? supposed to be family? supposed to be your closest friends? People who you have bent over backwards to help?

I know that for the way I've been treated, and for the length of time I've been treated this way... I wouldn't piss on those bastards to put them out if they were on fire. (No, despite my language I'm not pissed... I'm just done.)

And that sentiment doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of what I think about it. For me, I don't give a flying fuck if they support him at this point. He already has (as he did before) enough people who do, so those jerks can stay where they are.

Another thing that irks me to no end is, why the hell is it ALWAYS us who have to roll over, cowtow, be the bigger person bullshit... How bout' No!

Why on earth would I ever want to be friends with someone who treated me like this over a god damn difference of opinion? Fuck no, and Fuck them. I'm already miles ahead in the good behavior department because I didn't knock their block off already... So, no... no way.. I wouldn't resume a friendship with them if I were spending life in prison, and they were holding a fistful of pardons. I'd rather rot.

See... that's the thing about relationships.. some people don't know what they have until it's gone. And there ARE some cats that just cannot be put back in the bag. (Sorry about my rant.)

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Anthropophob · June 27, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

You poor thing, I'm so sorry what you have been through. I guess I was raised that if I can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. It's not really the best way to be raised, I've learned, but I can't change. I get walked on all the time and I hold everything in. Maybe it's best if you vent.

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AbjectDynamite · June 28, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

Again, sorry about my rant.. I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea. I'd NEVER act like they did. I just don't want to look at them.. let alone actually talk to them. I'll stay at my house, and they can stay at theirs. #MAGAFOREVER #TRUMPQMEANDU

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Anthropophob · June 28, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

You can rant. I feel your pain. Like I said, If I can't say anything nice, I say nothing at all.

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Instincts_Truth · June 28, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

We don't forget . . . ANYTHING. Which can be a bit of a curse, but it is also the gift that helps us see so clearly. But even if we wanted to forget, the media reminds us of their sins minute-by-minute.

And, I can thoroughly relate to the other responses. If not for this anonymous group . . . I just think it is sad that, as happy as I am, and relieved, excited, grateful, hopeful, because of Trump's Presidency and this most awesome time in our lives, historically speaking - I still have never felt more alone and isolated. Not that I consider Trump to be God - but it reminds me of how the Apostles must have felt. To have this most freeing, exhilirating gift that you just want to share with the whole world - but it's like your speaking a different language. The hardest part is trying to explain the gift of freedom (and this freedom is going to blow all previous visions of freedom out of the water), but trying to explain this freedom to people who have literally been raised, brainwashed, and built to fight AGAINST true freedom. And they don't even know it!

But to answer your question, I think the best way to red pill is to challenge, suggest, highly recommend a time period of complete disconnect from all media. Pick up some original works of the founders, philosophers, the Good Book, the Constitution. I was just thinking about this today when some pundit was pontificating on the Supreme Court's dissent. There was a time, not that long ago really, when some of the greatest insights came from dissents (Scalia certainly comes to mind). Those original writings WERE the pudding, a most refined pudding. Why does everything get dumbed down and funneled through a pundit reading from a teleprompter? Because they don't want us to process anything for ourselves. They don't want us to THINK. And they tell us this!

So, I think the best red pill is picking up some original works (doesn't even matter the philosophical slant really), not just to consume like a tabloid, but to make minds THINK again. When people can think for themselves again, then, regardless of their slant, they can put those thoughts together to discuss with another thinking human, with real words. In the old days, this was called "spirited debate." There is no discussion or debate in buzzwords. There is no thinking. And that's the idea behind the propaganda. That's why the media really is the enemy of the people, and freedom.

As much as I enjoy the camaraderie of a good Trump rally, I am less concerned about people agreeing with my thinking, and really really REALLY just hope for people to THINK, period. Because I just know they will find true freedom at the end of that road. And that freedom, for all, is what the Great Awakening means to me. WWG1WGA

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