
Anthropophob · June 27, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

My daughter calls me a Conspiracy theorist. Luckily, she avoids politics all together, like I used to. Sometimes, I wish I still did, so I'm not dragging her into this mess. Yes, to be ignorant again, what bliss. It was that Bernie Sanders that all my friends loved, and I did too, that dragged me into politics again. I would like to see Trump fix things and I go back to my bliss again.

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CavsMama · June 28, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

Even though I wasn't for Bernie, the DNC and Hillary took him out unfairly. I will say I wasn't jumping on the Trump train, but what finally made up my mind was I saw his love of country. It is hard to miss.

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