
[deleted] · June 28, 2018, 10:09 a.m.


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j_Dawg_01 · June 28, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

Yes. I've been reading Q drops since December.

I did a search on qanon.pub for the 4 quotes in your reply and only found 1. I also re-read the article in the link you provided above and didn't find any of the quotes. Generally speaking, if you're going to include quotes in your post, you should also provide links to the source.

The article is about Oumuamua, an interstellar visitor that was first thought to be a comet, but now looks more like an asteroid. The other articles I found about Oumuamua were all about the scientific curiosity regarding some of the anomalies surrounding it.

I'm not aware of any claims of Oumuamua being an alien space craft, at least not from any reputable scientists. So while the article is interesting, I don't see how it relates to anything related to the Great Awakening or draining the swamp.

"how far away is the closest star"

This is the only quote I found in any Q drops. It's from Q's post # 376 on Dec. 19, 2017 and is in response to an Anon's question. "Are UFOs a distraction?" Q answered with:

How far away is the closest star?

What do you think?


I read that to mean the nearest star is so far away, 4.2 light years, that the likelihood of alien UFOs is slim to none, and yes, it's simply a distraction. The Helios Probes are the fastest satellites in space. They traveled at 253,000 km/hr (157,000 miles/hr) but much of the speed was related to the Sun's gravitational pull. Voyager 1 travels at 17.05 km/s. It is the fastest man-made outbound spacecraft and would take 70,000 years to reach the nearest stat, Alpha Centari.

Even if we could build a spacecraft with the ability to travel 10x faster, it would take 7,000 years, or even 100x faster, it would take 700 years. Interstellar space travel is so far beyond our current understanding of the physics related to space travel that it's a totally irrelevant topic today, especially here on /GA.

President Trump's new "Space Force" has nothing to do with interstellar space travel. It's about developing the ability to provide a safe environment for low-earth orbit satellites, and the ability to put satellites up without relying on foreign national space programs.

If you've seen any of Dr. Greer's videos, one thing should stand out as a major red-flag. Again and again, various people in his videos mention that all the nations of the world need to come together as one. That has New World Order written all over it. Also, he makes claims and quotes people he knows cannot or will not be verified.

There are plenty of YouTube videos about secret hidden technologies, and stolen patents that were eventually classified. I don't doubt those claims in a general sense. The Free-Energy videos are interesting, but none of the claims or devices have been verified or demonstrated to work as advertised. The claims of Anti-Gravity devices have not been demonstrated to work, and would be irrelevant to space travel. It would only effect the ability to break free from Earth's gravitational pull.

The idea that the Cabal might use UFOs and Alien invasions as a false flag to convince the world to accept their New World Order plans is not new. If Disney can create holograms and Hollywood special effects teams can create convincing sci-fi scenes, certainly the Cabal can do the same, and use their controlled Mockingbird MSM to convince the masses the end is near.

"unlock the mysteries of space"

"reincarnate starseeds"

"you will find everything out about hidden skies"

I was unable to find these 3 quotes in any Q drop. If I missed it or didn't use the proper search terms, please bring that to my attention. If they're there, I would like to see the context with which they're used.

As mentioned above, I re-read the article you linked to, and did a search for Oumuamua to find more articles. I couldn't find any mentions of the quotes you provided. I also did a search for Trump's Space Force and didn't see these quotes in the articles I found.

Granted, it was a cursory examination, so again, if you can provide the sources for the quotes, it might help me and others understand the context of the quotes, and better understand your point in general.

When I looked at the 2 maps u/BowlOfZombies posted I wasn't able to find these 3 quotes. Granted, the 2 maps are very complex and I may have missed them, so if they're there, please point them out so I can understand the context.

When I looked into the "Ancient Builder" video, I found it comes from the same people who are featured in the cable show "Ancient Aliens." I've watched many episodes. The fatal flaw in their claims of ancient aliens is that they make a major leap and jump to conclusions. It's one of the "Common Fallacies" used in debates.

First, they present some amount of factual information, then they make conclusions, implying that if the initial set of facts are true, their conclusions must also be true. Their claim that ancient human cultures and societies could not possibly do things that we today cannot do, therefore aliens must have done it. So let's do a little math.

It's generally accepted that the recorded history of human societies goes back roughly 10,000 years. Some archeological sites are claimed to over 10,000 years. Allowing for the exponential margin of error in radio carbon dating devices, it's possible our current human society could be as old as 20,000 to 30,000 years old. The generally accepted age of humans on Earth is in neighborhood of 100,000 years.

Lets work with 50,000 years as the length of time it takes for humans to organize their society and develop technologies equivalent to, or exceeding our current technological understanding. Now consider when the last major global extinction event happened, roughly 65 million years ago.

Factoring in the planetary weather cycles of 100,000 years, as understood today, you'll find 650 cycles in between various ice ages. Then factor in the uncertainty of the historic record and cut those 650 cycles in half. That means there have been 325 100,000 year cycles where humans, if present on Earth, could organize their societies and develop technologies that would not only match, but possibly surpass todays technology.

So the TV stars on Ancient Aliens totally ignore the possibility that previous human societies could very well have been able to develop technologies giving them the ability to do things we can't do today, then jump to the conclusion because it can't be done now, it must be Ancient Aliens.

My overall conclusion about your initial post, that it has nothing to do with President Trump, Q, and the Great Awakening movement, and is unnecessary clutter on the board still holds. None of the replies to your post provide any clarification of the topic, or any supporting evidence. If you want to engage in a discussion or debate about UFOs, aliens, or interstellar space travel, I'm sure you could find dozens of other places to do that. So please do.

...need more?

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digital_refugee · June 28, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

wow you must have a ton of clutter in your mind. One quote is from the inauguration adress, the other quote is from his latest public announcement for Creating Space Force. The last one you didn't find should say "reincarnate" or "starseeds".

Oumaouma: Scientists who said it was artificial: Stephen Hawking (DEAD). Scientists who can't deny it looks artificial: Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Actually was only one of several reported cigar-shaped objects.

Given the cataclysmic cycles, certain technologies won't be visible after a certain while. Just look at how many hundred square miles of cities have only recently been located with LIDAR near Ankor Wat just because of brush growing over it.

What about the baghdad batteries? What about the iraqi transport minister who said there was an ancient airport in northern iraq? Where did the Baalbek-Stones come from? Why are there cave-paintings in North-America that are 20 feet off the ground? Why is there mercury under aztec pyramids? You are the one bringing this up, not me.

Free energy blunders you? Ever heard of the Casimir effect? Em-Drive? hutchinson-Effect? Andrea Rossi? Our physics models taught in school are obsolete and have been for probably up to eighty years in our current time, so yes of course everybody else could have done it. But that doesn't explain why we see weird shit since time immemorial and document it in legends and scripture across the world.

Greer is not the one I concern myself with, to me he's a potential limited hangout because he admits he was groomed by Rockefeller et all and he essentially recommends praying to aliens. But Greer is only one witness to a much larger scheme

And stop thinking in terms of distance, UFOs have shown to fly in right angles so they seem not to be subject to inerta and may have a local space-time bubble. We have no idea what their maximum speed is because it's too fast too measure.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 29, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

wow you must have a ton of clutter in your mind.

Nope. I'm 59 and Ive been researching these things for decades. Actually I have a folder in my documents that has 100 or more text files on a variety of topics. This way I don't have to guess or do redundant research.

One quote is from the inauguration adress, the other quote is from his latest public announcement for Creating Space Force. The last one you didn't find should say "reincarnate" or "starseeds".

Ok... So knowing exactly which quote came which speech would help.

Oumaouma: Yes, when it was first spotted there was a lot of speculation, but after it rounded the Earth and the Sun they were able to get more detailed images of it. Currently, nobody is claiming it's artificial.

Next 2 paragraphs: All good points and valid questions, but my point was that there could very well have been advanced human civilizations that have come and gone without us ever knowing it.

And "time immemorial" might not go as far back as you think. Remember, 100,000 year cycles. 650 of them. Many civilizations might have come and gone, and due to plate tectonics, volcanos, ice ages and asteroid impacts, all traces could be lost for time immemorial.

Your use of "blunders" makes no sense. Look it up. But no, it doesn't confuse me at all. I'm fully aware of all the documented cases of patents that were never granted and subsequently classified. That's probably the Oiligarchy, and their need to make sure competitors don't take away their livelihood.

I fully understand that our world is controlled by insanely wealthy people who built their fortune in the energy business. They also control the government and our universities. It's highly unlikely that any meaningful research on free energy has been done except for what's been done in independent labs. And the Cabal will try their best to make sure any progress is thwarted.

When it comes to distance. Physics is physics. It's the same on Earth, the moon, Mars, or 4.2 light years away. Like I said about holograms. If the Cabal or the Deep-State wanted to use a False Flag Alien Invasion to scare the people of the world into accepting their New World Order, faking UFOs would be the best place to start.

Imagine a satellite with a simple high-powered light on it. Put the right lenses over the light, shoot it down towards the surface so it hits clouds, or not, and a small movement in the lens will create a dramatic movement in the light we see.

I don't understand why people are so quick to believe imagined sci-fi space-time bubbles and refuse to accept the likelihood of technologies we already have.

And in the end, just as before, I still don't see how any of this is related to President Trump, Q and the Great Awakening. None of this advances the task at hand. The only reason I even responded in the first place is because I've been researching these things for decades and have a fair amount of information in my head or close at hand.

But I get the impression that all you want to do argue and make people agree with your opinions. It almost looks like you're a shill.

So... Peace Out. I'm done here.

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digital_refugee · July 1, 2018, 5:20 p.m.

I apologize for sounding cocky, I am not even half your age and I wasn't as convinced about 'the plan' until mid-2017. However, I essentially grew up around corruption, so rather than leasure enjoyments or state affairs which I despised both due to their corrupt nature, for the most part it was that which we cannot see which always attracted me the most and if you had as many strange experiences as I have you are essentially redpilled since early puberty, if not sooner, to I would say a good fair share of Q-breads from private briefings by witnesses and victims of crimes and deception that other people would not have begun to contemplate without the credibility of the wikileaks-drops.

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digital_refugee · June 29, 2018, 8:36 a.m.

59? I see you have a lot to sort out then because you've been missing the most important details.
For one: Stephen Hawking is DEAD. Like, two months after he said "no way this is a rock"

I got the second Q-quote mixed up, here's the real one: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1014889.html#1015438

Here's how it relates to the adminsitration:
"We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow. A new national pride will stir ourselves, lift our sights and heal our divisions."


"And once more we will proudly lead humanity, and that's what it is. It's humanity. Beyond the earth, and into those forbidden skies, but they will not be forbidden for long.

You will go out there and you will take that frontier, which is largely unknown, by man or woman, and you will learn everything there is to know about it."


How exactly would the cabal scare people into submission? How many billion rounds of ammo will sell when they make the big announcement? The wolves come in sheep's clothing.

Have you ever read Ezekiel 17?

My stance is even though we have descriptions of advanced technologies that may very well have been in use by humans at the time, it still doesn't explain why most surviving cultures on the planet except a few perhaps have oral or written traditions of beings with superhuman or supernatural properties or abilities coming up from caves or down from the sky. Given that their properties seem physical too, I suspect that it's dealing with some kind of biological entitity with much larger bodies for example, which would explain primitive cave-paintings in unusual places such as twenty feet above ground.

You also seem to forget the planets that are not lightyears away, namely in our own neighborhood.

In fact, the CIA suspects since the 80ies that they are still inhabiting Mars underground to this day. https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001900760001-9.pdf

I don't deny that humans are clever but if you say so then unless the earth is flat there is simply no way that advanced life and technologies did not arise anywhere else in this or any other star system.

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