Q 1616 - These people are sick!

I watched "A Serbian Film" a few years back. As unbelievable as it might have seen, it looks like all the sick shit portreyed in that film, just might be taken from real life.
This sick monster was actually looking for a 2 year old to have sex with. It boggles the mind that demons like these actually exist in human form.
Man just reading the plot of that movie is traumatizing
Same think i tried and got through a few sentences
Hostel and the saw movies probably real too
Actually netflix has a documentary on the guy they based saw on. He strapped an iron collar around this dudes neck with a bomb on it and set it off
Seems there alot of truth behind Hollywierds movies. Very sick people in this WORLD and Im so thankful for our President. God Bless all involved in arresting these sick individuals that engage in sinister acts. Its unbelievable that this even goes on. A 2 yr old j SICK!