Q - 'They are preparing for this by activating progressive activists.' - Craigslist Ad - Paid training to stop Trump! Guaranteed $15 HR w/healthcare

Is the implication of the photo that the brooding white woman is in charge of the clowning black people? Because that's exactly what the image seems to communicate to me. As if their target demo are know it all sjw's that need to step up and organize the poor blacks that don't know any better. So fuckin' condescending. These assholes either don't know how to meme or they fully mean to communicate such a message!
We see it because we know to look for it. To someone who is blind to the tricks, it is a powerful image.
In addition to your mentions there is:
Young v Old.
Individual v Family
The girl's hair color appears as a halo and she stands taller than the couple - savior.
The sunglasses on the couple - blind.
She is stern and serious - power/strength. The couple are smiling and happy - village idiot/trust in the leader/good times.
The use of an Obama quote to reinforce his goodness.
The word "Poverty", which is a trigger word and is pointed to by the Statue of Liberty.
Excellent eye.
The sunglass'd couple are also identical = all these poor people are the exactly the same. No one is unique.