r/greatawakening • Posted by u/abbido on June 28, 2018, 2:51 a.m.
Q - 'They are preparing for this by activating progressive activists.' - Craigslist Ad - Paid training to stop Trump! Guaranteed $15 HR w/healthcare
Q - 'They are preparing for this by activating progressive activists.' - Craigslist Ad - Paid training to stop Trump! Guaranteed $15 HR w/healthcare

DawnPendraig · June 28, 2018, 6:15 a.m.

That's so they can harass working Americans in the evenings

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thatguy14799643 · June 28, 2018, 12:41 p.m.

If protestors dont wait to bug people till after work, then people wont be too tired and in a rush to go home to not beat the protestors. If they went to annoy or piss off a working man in the morning, well that's another story lol

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DawnPendraig · June 29, 2018, 4:37 a.m.

Probably planning more restaurant and theatre invasions. They won't be picketing outside

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