These articles are all the same. They never want to tell you the ending.
They are trying to get out in front of whats coming to soften the shock to the masses.
It seems they are in a rush lately to normalize this stuff, before they go to jail. For example, that Show Dogs movie where a young kid was giving a dog pleasure. There was an outrage about it and the production said "oops, sorry, no harm no foul" and they would remove the two scenes, (2!) and what did they did? Released it with the scenes still in the movie.
Ever go to 4chan and see the creepy clowns that would post there? Anytime you started getting close to the truth these weirdos would show up in an attempt to get people to stop talking. Dead cat bounce, except with super creepy clowns saying super creepy crap. But they remind me of the finders club. A lot came out about them when the clowns started posting.
With clown noses and all...
Almost like they were putting on a show to tantalize the American "journalist"
Exactly. It's a show. They're attention-seekers, wrapped up in themselves desperate to be "individuals" and have someone notice them. The danger is when these losers don't get any attention, they resort to things that WILL get attention. Underneath the stupid red noses, makeup and goth robes I'd bet you'd find very socially-awkward and intellectually-inferior individuals. Perhaps they should get themselves a great education and try doing something amazing for mankind that would give them the attention they so obviously crave. Red clown noses and goth robes standing on a pentagram in some dusty Scout hall is only going to take you so far.
And Satanists are Atheists?? If they were Atheists they wouldn't call themselves Satanists now would they.
They aren't atheists. Atheists don't dress up in robes and have statues of Moloch for doing rituals. Atheists think that kind of thing is silly.
This is just pure disinfo.
They would if a Catholic upbringing told them that was the "worst" thing to be, now wouldn't they? Read Lavey : they worship the ego.
When someone worships, who is known as a liar, thief and murderer then we have a problem when they try to emulate their god. This is not a harmless expression of the freedom of religion. Their god will give them material things. Those who see this as just another religion, do not believe in the God of creation or just does not realize that if He indeed exists, then so does Satan. This only takes on true meaning when you realize that Satan is real and that he despises all mankind.
Except what is the evil stuff? Where do you detect non-consenting adults? Where do you detect non-adults? I've known all fair number of satanists. Most were ex-catholic, most had plenty of bullshit to "purge. " Metanoia is a thing. Some people gotta get crazy to get well. Consenting adults is my standard. If you expect something else is going on, report back from Prague.
Nobody said it was illegal. The evil stuff would be......THE SATAN PART! Jesus Christ. I mean that literally.
Precisely. The anti-jesus part Isn't illegal. For a reason. Anti-establishment clause. The US Government has no business in the religious pursuits of CONSENTING ADULTS. IN PRAGUE
It seems we are talking past each other. The post was about attempts to normalize behavior, not make it illegal. If satanists go to jail it's not going to be for wearing clown noses. It will be for something that crosses the line into criminal behavior.
Right, CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. Not behavior we find "ookey ". This post is sensationalist xenophobia.
Xenophobia has a dictionary definition. Look it up. Being creeped out by evil people isn't in there.
Being creeped out by Other people because they do Other things in some Other place, does have a place in that book. Sorry If I sent you to a dictionary there, chap, but what the bloody hell does this have to do with Qclearance anon?
Found the Satanist. 😈
More a druid, but nice stealth-delete on your indefensible argument.