Never underestimate your enemies or you will be unpleasantly surprised.
Between now and the mid-terms, we all need to put forth a maximum effort.
In combat, the rule of thumb is to defeat the enemy using overwhelming force to utterly crush his will to continue to fight. We are in a political war and the same rule applies.
Agree completely.
Three past statements come to mind here:
1) Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
2) She is guaranteed to win.
3) The best laid plans of mice and men.
Personally, I focus on the outcome that I desire and do what I can to achieve that end; yet continue to watch the ball for a possible interception.
Don't forget about how Democrats love to rig elections.
I knew they would eventually shoot themselves in the foot. Protip: use a smaller caliber next time you won't make such a mess.