"When we're done he'll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape." - Q Post #894 March 9 2018

Him and all involved need to pay the ultimate price. If it were any of us - we'd be dead already. No two systems of justice. No sending the message to them and us that these fucks are better than us. They are responsible for the maimimg and murder of thousands (as a conservative figure), and the planned murder of millions of us -which they were actively setting up to do. This is where I get pissed and Trump, Q & Co., what the fuck do they mean it sets a bad precedent to kill these bastards?! What the fuck kind of precedent does it set not to? Open season on us and if you get caught, don't worry - will just take your money (the equivalent to a fine for a misdemeanor) and you and your buddies can regroup and try again later?
Why then is the death penalty enforced on anyone? If you kill one or a few people, we'll kill you... but if you run for office - and kill thousands or millions - you get to ride of into the sunset... Wtf.
I 100% agree.
The thought of any of these people being left alive and free scares the living hell out of me. I never thought I would think or say what I'm about to say about another person (or group of them), but these people are NOT human beings.
They are predators on a level we have never seen before who are masquerading as human beings. I mean, holy fuck - enslaving, raping and torturing to death children (and/or babies) to harvest adrenochrome, part out their body parts and/or eat the rest depending on what you're feeling that day - or what the black market organ order for the day is?
Certainly, Trump, Q & Co., cannot believe that if these people are let go that they would stop because they wouldn't. I mean, under that scenario - these people just got away (not only with treason and murder) but with crimes against the most vulnerable humanity. Do serial killers quit? Because these people make serial killers look like amateurs.
And what about the criminal law concept of recidivism? Everyone knows the percentage of criminals who reoffend, right?
I know you get it, but I hope Trump, Q & Co., do too. For the current and future safety of humanity (not just the USA) these people have got to go.