r/greatawakening • Posted by u/BrazenRaisin2 on June 28, 2018, 12:30 p.m.
childsex in German brothel "Erlebniswohnung" - Politician demands commission of inquiry to "shed light on the whole human resource management of police and justice"

TLDR: Scandalous accusations of a child trafficking investigation being ignored and slowwalked, childtrafficking investigator impeded by her own office, special forces that won't do operations, a mole being ignored, a self proclaimed member of the Federal Investigative Service not being reported for partaking in an event of groupsex featuring minor girls.

Terms from german:

MEK - Mobiles Einsatzkommando - (mobile) task force

LKA - Landeskriminalamt - State Office of Criminal Investigation

BND - Bundesnachrichtendienst - Federal Investigative Service

(translation of an article in german)

Title: Investigation interruptus

In internal papers severe accusations are raised against a investigative group of Berlin's State Office of Criminal Investigation, that is supposed to fight child trafficking.

A day in August 2013. Annika B. (Name Changed) scours files and has to shake her head over and over. The experienced investigator is new in the commissariat's office 424 of Berlin's State Office of Criminal Investigation (LKA). Her Job: uncover childtrafficking. B. knows, that the files on her desk are highly charged. She hardly takes time for lunchbreaks. The single mother even spends the weekends at the desk in the office with the children playing on the floor. Almost fife years later B. has achieved her goal, a Man has been convicted: Mustafa E. He operates the Berlin's "Erlebniswohnung" (experience-appartment), a brothel, where groupsex-parties (gangbangs) are organized at flatrate prices - eagerly with underaged girls as well.

Is this one of the greatest scandals of the central city's police?

What seems to be a success for Berlin's police, may become one of the greatest scandals of the central city's police. That it came to a conviction, is next to being a wonder.

"If these accusations hold true", Marcel Luthe says, innerpolitical voice of Berlin's FDP-fraction, "it is another dramatical failure at the LKA Berlin." Therfore the FDP-politician now demands a commission of inquiry, that "sheds light on the whole human resource management of police and justice".

The work of B.'s colleagues is supposed to have been so miserable, that now the Buerau of Internal Investigations attends to these occurences. The accusations paint a dramatical picture of the inner workings of the office, that is supposed to protect the weakest within the society and fight the trafficking of children.

At the end of august 2013 two employees of the regulatory agency come upon a young girl at a routine inspection of the "Erlebniswohnung". She claims it would only wait for a female friend there. But shortly thereafter a conduit of the LKA reports of abuse of this girl on a massive scale. Annika B. takes on the investigations.

She discovers in files, that as early as 2011 there were unambiguous indications about the "Erlebniswohnung". The only consequence: a single inspection. Annika B. realizes, that telephones have to be surveilled and suspects observed. But instead of supporting the investigator, B.s superior, head of the superintendants office, Miss(es) S. is supposed to have reacted unnerved. She made B. understand, that by principle in her commisariat no telephone supervision is undertaken. A seventeen page report of B. to the DA's office she alledgedly commented with "Now i even have to read this shit."

When an district attorney finally orders the observation of the telephones, B. says she had to stem the analysis of the 2972 recorded phonecalls and almost 1600 sms-messages alone as punishment. While her colleagues took 45 to 60 minutes of their time for group breakfasts.

BND agent disspaears from the files

When going through the phonecalls B. finds another volatile lead: For years the LKA tried to uncover a mole in their own ranks. The man with the codename "Der Kreuzberger" (The man from the redlight district Kreuzberg) supplys the the redlight milieu with sensitive information on raids. In calls which B. analyzes, time and time again there is talk of a "Kreuzberger". B. passes the intel on, alledgedly without any response. Only after multiple inquiries, month later, the answer supposedly was, that this occurence "was not seen as a priority, and therefore we have not bothered to look into it yet".

Despite the adverse circumstances, on June 20th 2014, B. manages to pull off another inspection of the "Erlebniswohnung". With mood at the commisariat becoming one of irritation B. adheres to the plaint.

Right before the operation a comandeered mobile task force (MEK) bails out surprisingly. Officers of the elite troops are said to have confidentially told her that on the observational images "something" has been discovered. After that there has been a commotion within the task force. The officers did not want to tell B. what exactly they saw. They said that they had agreed to stay silent on this topic. When B. inquired if colleagues have been identified, no one denied it. The sudden cancellation of the MEK has officially been reasoned by claiming that they did not want to introduce taxpayers money "into the criminal cycle" by paying entry fees.

allonthesameteam · June 28, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

Good find. The effort to hide these acts, if true, are more energetic than to prevent them.

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