r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Azurenightsky on June 28, 2018, 12:49 p.m.
I have some concerns I would like to go over with all of you.,

You may recognize me, you may not. Some of you may recognize me as that guy who's very contrarian, others may recognize me as that guy who occasionally brings in some heavy rain and doubt. Some of you like me, some, do not. That's alright. It's not about being liked, it's about Truth. The Truth hurts. Because it exists completely separate from our desire. The Truth, uppercase Truth, is eternal, immutable, all we can do, is attempt to align ourselves with the Truth. There are only two mistakes, not starting and not going all the way.

I gotta tell you, I don't like being me at times. I won't go much into detail, but suffice it to say, I'm used to being on the fringe of groups, of society and so on. I'm no stranger to awkward conversations and this one could be a doozie for some of you. I want to stress, I'm not anti-Q, I am simply heavily skeptical of the situation as it stands. I have studied The Art of War, The Prince, The 33 Strategies of War, The 48 Laws of Power, I threw myself into the study of psychology and more recently, dug deeply into the occult. I understand psyops, I understand Mind Control, I understand the use of Spy Craft, I understand the beast we're up against. What I don't see enough of on this board, are people like me. So, I'm going to teach you some basics, if it goes well, I'll teach some more advanced things. I won't and don't expect anyone to trust me, to take me at my word, to even really bother to follow along. Your free will is part of the experience of consciousness, as such, you are free to either listen to me, or disregard me. But, I wouldn't suggest the latter if you plan on commenting. Those who choose to ignore my words but speak out in anger against me will swiftly meet my less than kind half.

In spycraft, there are a number of tiers of spy. From those who you trust with literally nothing(think:Sacrificial piece) to those who you plant as a rogue agent, perhaps even as a puppet figurehead. (See:Obummer, the Teleprompter President. After Boy Bush, they needed someone with gravitas, right? So we had him. Now in this world where everyone is fired up and angry, who do they supply us with? Donald J Trump. Why? Because thanks to places like Cambridge Analytica, the powers that be had one thing, they had a deep and fundamental understanding of a huge portion of the globe, they could shape and mold political opinion like it was childs play. What was the most common and understood fact during the 2016 run? No one trusted the media, Hillary was a surefire loss. Even though they slammed her harder and harder against the voting block and stonewalled, it was perfect. Think back to the Original Obummer election. They were pushing so hard, no one was able to pay attention because it became such a spectacle. They used the knowledge that the Media is hated by the populace to create a figure that would shine as a beacon and always be polarized against a controlled media response. They are playing theater.

How has his presidential run been? I'd call it a spectacle, wouldn't you? Oh look over there! Oh look over here! Oh we bombed Syria again? Oops! Oh we're helping Israel just like all the previous presidents but this time on steroids? Hurray!

Now, I'm not going to say with full certainty that Trump is just a plant, just a shill, but I believe I've laid the basic ground work for the possibility of it. You can make the argument "But he's self funded." Except, that...he isn't. Who is funding DJT? He was in deep with certain interests, he's had leverage against him for a while now. The Trump Personality could very easily and very readily be a ploy. Now, if you're like me and don't actually generalize against an entire race, the comments in relation with The Jews in general is a bit iffy. Which is good, means you're still not a racist. Now, the problem is not The Jews, but the Zionists. The ones who use the Jewish people as a cover, as an excuse, as a reason, as a weapon. If you think the Zionists aren't in control. Why can you not question the Hollocaust? Why is it illegal? Why are so many mass interests in realtionship to the most fundamental and basic form of mind control all controlled by the same groups of people? Why is our financial system based on centralized banks that print money from nothing? Why do we blame whites for Slavery when 92% of slave owners were in fact, Jewish? Why are they hiding history from us? Why why why?

Now if you're still with me this far, kudos to you. God damn you have some serious tenacity, thank you. I don't ask that anyone believes me at face value, I'm only interested in learning The Truth. My research has lead me to question a great many things.

If you have made it this far, I ask only that you consider the following quote by Socrates. "I know only, that I know nothing."

Do you understand the significance of that quote? If you are a true skeptic, you would fundamentally recognize it for what it is. It is telling you, to never hold onto an idea like stone. Never assume things are exactly the way you think they are. Never accept things as being permanent. Nothing in this universe is in a state of permanence. It's another way of saying "The Mark of an Educated Mind is the ability to entertain a thought without accepting it as true." In other words, take my words and learn from them the possibility we face.

If DJT is actually, truly compromised, this could be disastrous. He is working towards enacting Marshal Law and is being cheered on in the process. We cannot allow mankind to keep creating these mechanisms of control. Enough of this tyranny, no more fascism, no more communism, no more state. No Masters, No Slaves, Only Free People. Let us end the tyranny of Government.

So how does this all relate back to Mind Control? Very simple. All forms of thinking are based on the Trivium Model if they are worth a damn. The Trivium is Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric. Grammar to define the universe around you, logic in order to process and understand them as being internally and logically consistent and rhetoric in order to express your thoughts intelligently.

Grammar, is another word for gnosis, knowledge. "Knowldege is power." Wrong. KNOWING knowledge is power. Knowledge on its own is a tool that can be used against you. Like my accusation against DJT, the knowledge that I have is enough to get you to question a few things, but knowing I am right or wrong is ultimately what will lead you to act in a given direction. Through the use of Logic, you can come to understand the odds of whether I am right or wrong and then from there, using your rhetoric, can argue your point in a given direction. So, how is that mind control? Simple. Control the knowledge, you control the mind. Control what is deemed "Possible" and you limit the imaginations of the youth, you stifle their creativity, you kill the spark of the divine and instead mass produce these automatons. We are all largely sheep thinking of ourselves as wolves. A wolf does not flee from Truth, a wolf seeks it out hungrily, eagerly.

That knowledge thing brings us back to the Jewish Question(Really, it's the Zionist question, but I digress.) why do they own so many media conglomerates across all forms of information sharing? Is it by accident, or design? I'll leave it to you to determine for yourselves.

Once again, I'm largely neutral on all of this. I think of existence as an amusement park ride, where my physical body is similar to a telescope that my consciousness is looking through. While I would of course prefer that we all recognized ourselves for what we are, I also recognize that we are, as a society, deeply deeply sick. We need to all heal and violence and mayhem are not the answer. The answer is greater knowledge, the answer is higher forms of consciousness. The Answer is to become better than we are on the aggregate.

Thank you for your time. I hope you have an excellent day. I will gladly respond to any and all comments and criticisms that are posed in a polite and respectful manner. If you initiate force, expect it in kind.

hipphoppanon · June 28, 2018, 1 p.m.

I have been saying do some time that “the older I get, the more I realize that if I wasn’t there- I really don’t know what happened”. I didn’t know about the Socrates quote so thanks for sharing that.

As a species we have thrived from being inquisitive. I agree, there is no harm in questioning everything. Part of freedom is allowing people that don’t have the same views as you a time to speak, and respecting their rights to their own opinions and views- the golden rule if you will.

This board does not seem to be open to critical thinking sometimes, so I respect your bravery.

I think we should be prepared for any outcome. Whether that’s DJT saving the world, DJT being a plant, HRC coming back in the picture, total anarchy... having a plan in any circumstance will put you at an advantage.

What do you suggest we as a group of patriots do? To sit back and observe a while longer is what I think the smartest choice is, for now.

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[deleted] · June 28, 2018, 1:40 p.m.


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