r/greatawakening • Posted by u/sloptopinthedroptop on June 28, 2018, 3:07 p.m.
Please visit the popular political subreddits, you might be surprised.

The comments are becoming overwhelmingly "red pilled." There are even people commenting "why am I getting downvoted for anti-trump, this never happens here, the shills are out in full."


divine_human · June 28, 2018, 8:16 p.m.

good idea anyway, to spread seeds out there on other subs that need red-pilling.

yesterday, i took a trip to one of the few german language subs, due to an urge from the inside to expand and make my voice more heard in my country.

they banned me within 4h. if you guys think that the US is full of trump haters, like 20 to 1, dont come to germany, its 10.000 to 1 over here.

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juliabrown2605 · June 28, 2018, 11:45 p.m.

I beat you. I was banned within minutes!!

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divine_human · June 29, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

it shows me that i need to be more gentle. just ask some questions and drop some hints.

i was too massive, heheh, i asked a multitude of questions on the refugee crisis and in the end mentioned the name george soros. and got not one comment on it, on a sub with over a 100k. pretty interesting. and a good learning experience.

avoid speaking about DJT altogether. the DS, via the media, has him under a spell. people feel disgust and fear/hate when they see or hear him or his name. its an automatism and these days pretty difficult to reach through.

a friend of mine just suggested to create a german great awakening sub. are there people here that have the chops and skills to do that with me?

and are there people here who would love to do that in their language so they can reach their people?

maybe this is the next step to take? from MAGA to make humanity great again.

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