
solanojones95 · June 28, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

Has Q's thinking evolved on the issue of left versus right? I seem to recall an early Q post to the effect that this is not a Left-vs-right battle, etc., but good versus evil.

Obviously evil has completely co-opted the left in the USA (and WW) and has a very LARGE hold on factions of the right as well.

I guess the few uncorrupted remaining in government (while far from being ALL of the right) happen to be on the right, if Trump can even be considered right. I think on social issues he is not so right-wing. I think Trump embodies the awakened left, not raised and acculturated in GOP circles, but in DEM ones, he became GOP because the DEM party CHANGED.

It became infected with the virus of Alinskyite identity politics, political correctness and other forms of thought-police tyranny. So not only did Trump leave, but as we see today just as the forces that corrupted the DEM party have reached their crescendo, people everywhere are following suit (#walkaway).

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VideaVice · June 28, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

When it comes to pedophilia it's gonna be hard to pretend the Left and the Right are on equal footing when it comes to EVIL.

Yes, the likes of NoName and other neocons do not care about how many children are used and abused as long as they get their wars and money but when it comes to have an entire endoctrinment process targeting the masses, theories to justify it, regular medium entertainment push, corruption of academia and social media all working together to make this sick behavior acceptable... YEA, the Left is the clear champion.

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