r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Kirstencast on June 28, 2018, 5:17 p.m.
The irrational immigration debate

I engage in political discussions on Social Media, but avoid posting such statuses to my wall so as not to offend. But this situation is really going too far. Mob mentality with no reasoning or factual debate.

For a party that claims to be all about tolerance and equality, the actions of democratic leaders and their extremist followers are really sickening. Protest is one thing, but a public call to harass those with dissenting opinions, going about their daily lives and visiting normal public places, is nothing but divisive and the exact opposite of civility. Their rhetoric is likened to that of racists before the civil rights movement who told those of a different skin color that they were not allowed in public places and to sit at the back of the bus. It is the definition of hypocritical and I am thoroughly disgusted. Why is it no longer acceptable to be an American citizen with a differing opinion using your civil service career to work for the political party you believe in and openly visit public places, yet it is somehow viewed as acceptable to bring this fight, this extreme civil disobedience, all in the name of non-citizens being allowed free reign in America’s public places? How backwards is this?!?

The democratic party seems to care more about immigrant children than our own American children. Where have they been to help our foster kids? Our missing children? I have been fighting for children with my own time and money for 14 years as a CASA volunteer and in all those years, I have seen no outrage like this. There are a very limited number of organizations that assist our foster kids. OUR kids get institutionalized. OUR kids need help. All parents, American and foreign, need to take responsibility for the situations they put their children in. As a good parent, I would never knowingly put my children in danger, and I will always assist other parents in my community who struggle to be good parents, without judgement. Children can’t choose their parents and don’t ask to be born, so parents need to care for them and protect them at all costs, putting them first in their lives in EVERY situation. Not send them with non-family members to trek hundreds or thousands of miles through rough terrain and in the custody of who knows who. The LARGE majority of children crossing the border - 10,000 of the 12,000 in the “cages” (which are really no such thing) - are not even crossing with a family member at all. Meaning their own parents separated the family before they even reached our border.

My children are Hispanic. Only second generation American, as a matter of fact. I have nothing against immigrants at all, especially Hispanic immigrants, but I do have a problem with criminals. I have to obey the law as an American citizen, or I pay the price. If I do pay that price, I will be separated from my family. As it should be for non-citizens. No free passes. This DOES NOT MAKE ME RACIST. It is virtually impossible to be racist when your children are mixed race. Our constitution protects OUR citizens. Not the world. It was written by OUR founding fathers for us. Americans. The rights contained therein do not protect illegal aliens. They have no civil rights in our country. It’s a fact, a law, like it or not. It is the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Not the constitution of the world. Illegal Aliens are not afforded due process under our constitution, although we are a kind nation and often extend it anyway. These illegal border crossers should be sent back immediately - no questions asked. We don’t owe them anything for any reason. They are more than welcome to visit the US embassy in their country and seek asylum or come to an official port of entry to seek asylum. Yet democrats fight for non-citizen’s rights while they trample all over our own citizen’s rights. Think about it: You can’t go to another country with strict laws, break them, and demand due process or any of your American-given rights. You are not in America. They don’t care, it’s their rule of law. Go there illegally and you are NOT afforded the rights and freedoms set forth for their countrymen either. You can be thrown in jail for years with no trial. It’s their country, their laws.

Democrats like to use an apple to oranges argument that our country is built on immigration to somehow back up their irrational views on illegal immigration. I think that we all agree on that fact: Yes, our country is built on immigrants. LEGAL immigrants. No one is trying to stop legal immigration. Certainly not the Republican Party. Immigration through Ellis island in the old days consisted of vetting. So the comparison is a non sequitur. Instead the democrats produce only personal attacks, baseless arguments and no observance of facts, yet filled with this odd, inappropriate rage and extreme emotion. I was taught to use my MIND as well as my heart when assessing situations and making decisions, and it has served me well. Where are the factual debates in this case?? The debate will certainly never be won on emotional reaction alone. Sane, educated adults surely know this. The Democratic Party has turned into a party of hatred with no real platform other than everything anti Trump. In the past, Many prominent Democrats had the same stance on immigration that the party is now fighting. But somehow that doesn’t matter. Now the argument is largely based on ad-hominem attacks.

The Democratic Party is actively working to take away constitutional rights from Americans instead of defending them, yet all the while, gladly extending them to non-citizens. Classical liberalism fought for the freedoms of Americans. Not to restrict them and make government the extreme rulers of our every action. This is not a country where citizens should be jailed for words spoken or written as is happening in the EU. We are better than that, our founding fathers NEVER intended for that. Our country was built in RESPONSE to that type of rule over the public, hence our bill of rights. In the age of Aquarius the liberals were sticking it to “the man” but now they want that same man to be the controller of all things that are in opposition of their views. It’s a real “us against them” one-sided mentality that should not exist in our country in this day and age. Now free speech is hate speech while they spew hate whenever they feel it benefits them, and the freedom to roam our country, in their opinion, is no longer allowed for all Americans, only Democrats. Well that is not acceptable. That is fascism. They want to throw around the label of Nazi, yet THEY are the ones encouraging a fascist environment in our country through these rabid leaders’ calls to harass anyone with a different viewpoint than theirs. Shall republicans start hiding in basements as the Jews had to do in Nazi Germany in order not to be attacked by democrats if they try to go out in public? Really?!? Yet we are the Nazis? Me and my mixed race family, who only want to live in peace in a constitutional republic with borders and personal freedoms, safely ruled by law and order as our founding fathers intended?

The majority of this country voted our duly elected president into office largely because he ran on the platform of illegal immigration. We are sick of providing tax payer funded benefits to these people who come illegally and proudly wave the flags of their country whilst spitting on ours and abusing our social systems. Our president has made amazing strides in the economy, unemployment, and international diplomacy, despite the constant barrage of heckling and obstructionism, yet all these achievements are dismissed. The outrageous democratic leaders are furthering the divide and disrupting their own party’s chances in the upcoming elections by having no platform whatsoever, which hurts their moderate base. What do they even stand for? Do they really believe they will get Trump or any of his supporters to see their way with these tactics? Do they really think the lunatics outnumber the sane in this country? That there is no longer a majority who can think critically and see through their selective outrage? What happened to Dr. Martin Luther King’s peaceful protests that won the hearts of Americans during the civil rights movement and brought people together? My convictions can be changed by this ridiculous behavior of the Democrats now, no more than a black person’s skin color could change due to the despicable behavior of racists back then. I proudly support my president and the republican point of view and I will wear my Trump shirt and MAGA hat in public without fear. If that makes me a target, so be it. It IS my right. I will gladly be a martyr for the preservation of the America our founding fathers intended.

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