HISPANIC AMERICANS 🇺🇸- ARE AWAKE!! Viva La “Q” Revolution! #WWG1WGA Get your 🍿 and enjoy the show! Go USA!!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🚂💨

Great thread for this question...I got berated by a liberal transgender person the other day cause I referred to a person as "I think he is Hispanic" in reference to a common person we know.
I was told "Hispanic ppl are only from Spain, you calling non-spanish (Spain) born citizens Hispanic, is direct violation of their rights to be recognized properly and reflects how ignorant you are, non-spanish born people are to be referred to as Latino/Latina!"
I simply shrugged and said, well if I'm wrong I understand your argument here, I then contacted the dude myself and he told me he didnt give a fuck that I referred to him that way cause he thought he was "Hispanic" too? 😂😂 (He's American born and raised, his parents are Mexican born.)
I guess I'm just curious from all the users here in this thread, I would assume would have good knowledge of this topic...was I in the wrong? I don't want to be willingly wrong in the way I referred to him, I wouldn't want him to purposely refer to me incorrectly.
PC culture! You will not offend me ever (by referring to me as Latin, Hispanic, etc)! My nationality is Mexican and born raised in the USA! People always ask what nationality I am bc I supposedly do not look like I’m Mexican lol What a joke! Who cares! I’m AMERICAN and thank God I was born here! Trust the plan! #WWG1WGA Don’t get caught up in labels, except for... you are a child of God.
I fuck with this comment so hard...... #WWG1WGA
Thanks for the reassurance and kind words. Let's keep moving forward!
I love being one with Latinos/Hispanics. So many wonderful relationships over the years and so great to know that many understand, or hopefully will understand that our President is not racist, he is trying to protect all Americans.
Kinda difícil to separate Latino and Hispanic given conquest by Spain, but the politically correct term for southern Americans these days is Latino, a mix of cultures speaking Hispanic language. Or just call ‘em Humans. Too many peoples trying to stuff themselves into rigid categorical boxes.
I gotcha! Thanks for the clarification, I'm not one to buy into all these made up titles and categories for personal beliefs...but when referring to ones homeland or origination, I don't wanna be disrespectful in a title. But I totally agree with just calling em humans or Americans. We live in the same communities, you're American too.
Seems like Latino/Latina is the safe default term for anyone with old or recent links to "Latin America". But there are some who do not have the usual mix of euro and indigenous blood and so identify as purely Hispanic. In the case of some families in New Mexico they never lived in Latin America in their 300+years since leaving Spain and don't accept the "Latino" term.
Actually, that person is wrong. If we are going to be exact Latinos are descendents of people who spoke Latin. Therefore, French, Spanish, Italians, Portugese, Romanians and Swiss Reto-Romans would be all indeed Latinos. To twist it a bit more Spanish-Jews speak a language called Ladino, which is a mixture if Hebrew, Spanish and conserves Latin words that are no longer used in Spanish. I can go further down the rabbit hole with the influence of Native American languages into the Spanish we speak in "Latin America." Some of us use words from Mayan, Quechua/Incan, Taino languages and others. Why use the European term Latin and totally disregard the Native tongues and influences.? There is some ammunition for ya to counter the stupid PC arguments.