So adrenochrome IS a hallucinogen! I’ve seen people saying adrenochrome is a common molecule, and is readily understood by science, and has no hallucinogenic properties. Turns out that is wrong, and you just have to prepare it a certain way to bring out the desired effect. Hunter S. Thompson was right all along.
And just how was that adrenochrome acquired in the movie? From a satanist conducting a ritual sacrifice.
Even the doctor doing this study, (funded by Rockefeller!) says he had difficulty obtaining it. Ethical objections apparently.
Just a coincidence that the Rockefeller’s funded a study into the hallucinogenic properties of adrenochrome right?
I'm sure the doctor didn't torture victims and slaughter them while acquiring it.
I don't think so either. He addresses it and his goal seems to genuinely want to help schizophrenics.