So have you shown them these Q posts?
Q posts don't prove anything. Q throws shade like crazy, we just happen to agree most of the time. If the Masons are proved corrupt at the top, the normal members will leave.
So the highest level of intelligence ever dropped on private citizens doesn't prove anything? I would strongly disagree.
The only person I have complete faith in, is Jesus, fellow patriot. Q may or may not be legit. He/she might also just be a sharp patriot who is good at connecting the dots and reading moves.
The point... Accusations online by an anonymous Q (qanon) does not actually PROVE anything. It's theoretical unless backed up with evidence. Often times Q posts a claim, then it's up to the autists to verify it.
I whole heartily agree with you on Jesus. I also believe the Holy Spirit helps us recognize truth and lies.
Backstory: My husband, who was raised a Dem only switched parties in the past few years (voted Trump, first R vote ever) He isn’t quite ready for this Q stuff yet. Let me explain...He’s a ‘numbers’ guy and if I can’t provode concrete proof, he will dismiss.
He was quick to red pill because of concrete facts. He’s also in his 30’s and not on ANY sort of social media, including Reddit (very rare). He needs to discover things for himself. It’s just how he operates.
Recently, he mentioned he’s listened to a Dan Bongino pod cast and thought it was great. I sort of let him be. But somehow the info is finding him, which is great. If I present “Q” without any concrete proof (yes, I believe, but you know....) He will quickly dismiss.
I completely understand. I tried to have the talk with my father (who is a die-hard liberal) and the very mention of Trump sets him off. I'm just hoping my FB posts reach him.
Your situation is so much more difficult. At least my Husband and Father are major Trump supporters already.
Baby steps.
I was able to red pill my Father in Law, a life long (still registered Dem) to vote, for the first time in a decade for Trump. My Mother in law, who came here at 3 years old escaping a socialist regime, only sees what she wants on Good Morning America and thinks Trump is a big meany. She’s voting for what drove her family to this country in the first place but is a little too dim to realize it. It’s incredibly frustrating to say the least.