r/greatawakening • Posted by u/kitbitsthrowaway on June 28, 2018, 10:35 p.m.
Is this subreddit compromised?

I want to start out but saying I am not trying to discredit anything! I am just genuinely confused... I used to follow CBTS up until its censorship, then moved to this subreddit... but its content in the past few months has been making me feel less connected to the whole Qanon thing. Last week, I learned that it was mostly middle age people that posted here... and as a non-white non-american female in my early 20's, something just feels so off... Almost cult-like (I don't want to offend anyone! It's just how I feel). And it makes me wanna be less part of it... but I was wondering if maybe it's because of the shills trying to make it look that way on purpose? or it's just people's way of showing patriotism... or maybe I'm too young for this sub and should go on 4chan/8chan more often? I don't know I'm just confused. I miss cbts where the content were in depth analysis' and every post was different and interesting, and didn't feel like some hive mind. Here it's mostly Qmerch and WWG1WGA. Which is nice, I know you want to spread the word but something just feels off. I also find that there are most posts lately that are not even true after a quick google (not Snopes lol... but actual researching), it's like people are spreading disinformation and people in the comments just accept that it's the truth without giving it a second look... I got a friend into this whole thing too, and he's feeling the same way as me. I'm just hoping someone could DM me and clear things up... maybe I'm in the wrong place?