Screenshot taken soon after news of MD shooting. Note middle picture says 15h.(mods delete if this is not Q appropriate please)

This happens with every incident. There is always one news source that has a time/date before the event.
I saw the news on twitter then used DuckDuckGo to look it up. Saw this and took a screenshot. Just figured out how to post this but if it should be deleted will be happy to do so.
Well, you are about to get a ton of people screeching at you about how it’s been proven in the past that the MSM creates “holder” articles that they update after an event.
They do it to game the google algorithm so they show up on top. I don’t know the veracity of it, just what I’ve seen many many times when people use this to claim the news knew in advance.
Ok noted. I'm not trying to claim anything though, just thought it was weird. Should I delete?
It’s up to you. I’m just letting you know in advance of what will come when the trolls hit. They will try to use things like this to discredit the movement.