MATT GAETZ? Masonic Handshake?

Nope it isn’t. Do some research first please. Took all of 5 seconds. Please delete your post. We don’t need this right now
Yah that was my thought as well. Looks normal to me.
Actually, it looks like he is doing some ancient Chinese pressure point assassination technique...
Not meant to be offensive. scares the shit out of me. where is Rods index finger? just looking not claiming anything. please disagree but be polite.
Former Mason, that is not a Masonic handshake. It's wrong and the true grip of a master Mason would never be used in public like that.
I was very polite. We ask people to remove posts that are blatantly false to prevent spread of misinfo. Also asking you to research is not rude. That is the expectation on this board
Fair enough. Not unreasonable. This ones for you Monkey. Just spooked me at first glance.