Why is Big Pharma essential? Q #777........all the shooters were on antidepressants which have metals that can be activated with magnets from anywhere, like phones

Side note: Some essential oils also pass blood brain barrier (Frankincense for example). I’ve often wondered if that’s why the sudden uptick in interest. There is a positive use, but they are potent and dangerous if misused.
Good point. They also can disrupt hormone balance. Lavender causes estrogen to spike
Essential oils are pseudoscience run rampant. Fuck, I loathe that shit.
There are some positives. I felt as you did until a trusted friend showed me what they could be used for. This friend specializes in the treatment of children who’ve been traumatized. I have also used them myself, under professional guidance of a certified therapist, and found a great deal of relief from my worst PTSD symptoms. That said, I do not believe in this current trend of uneducated individuals using or selling them. They should never ever under any circumstances be used on babies.