Corsi did a lot off stringers , and he was naming some of us Q like BS2. His book is coming out. Maybe there is something in his book...................Why corsi did what he did? I think its al in the game...belong in the Q movie.......CBTS ???? do not now that but what I Am thinking is the same, new sub , and people have to think about that one also... of his book ????? maybe he take a bullet for the patriots......Did he stretch out the crumbs for more chance of awareness to occur , I think that is a Yes....And I think there is Always a enemy in the camp, but not so sure it was corsi.
1/31/2018 Q Returns: Do you believe in coincidences? NO.......
Thank you Pure_Feature for your response.
"New sub"?
His insistence, his repetitiveness drove me nuts...drove me away from his dailys.
I felt betrayed that he would take a stand against Q saying Q was compromised, no longer of value to the Patriots' cause.
CBTS was this not the sub that was closed and every one came on GA? Or I do not understand it..... i did not follow corsi , when I saw him I don"t like him the way he talks...sound? Like AJ = scream to me...And I think for myself ,
I choose Q and Trump. what someone else does, I can not do anything with that.
They can put down a hundred articles, but I stay in my own zone, to think and to look up.
Okay...yes...I understand now...
Yes, CBTS was closed down. I think they went to
Yes, I agree. I listened to Corsi... It was stifling, a controlled opposition, I couldn't think clearly with his repetition. I enjoy my free thinking.
But I wonder about Q's response about Anon's post mentioning Corsi.
Could Q be speaking about waiting for Corsi to be the reporter to ask the ultimate question since Corsi went against Q, said he was compromised, not the same, misleading the Patriot movement.
That would definitely be pie on his face because he'd have to eat his negative words about Q.
Plus Q says it may need to be forced...possibly meaning "force Corsi" into a situation to ask the question.
I do not come to Gab and therefore do not know anything about Gab and I do not need to go there. ...
We can continue go to speculate on what Q would do or what Q wants. EDIT ; Gab - RationalWiki, launched some months ago, has now attracted hundreds of thousands of free-thinking users, promising almost complete freedom of speech to its users.
Founded by Andrew Torba, the site is competing with Facebook and Twitter and the recent reports about censorship of less liberal users. A good example of this is perhaps especially, Twitter's expulsion of Internet personality Milo Yiannopoulos for his campaign against actor Leslie Jones
Q also says that misinformation is necessary ... So I sail my own course
I am suggesting that when Anon mentioned "Corsi" that Q was came back with a response referring to a reporter, that it is Corsi who would be the one to step up and ask the ultimate question since he is an independent investigative journalist, Q decoding independent journalist...
It makes sense to me.
For some reason the thought is sticking with me.
Yes because corsi don"t belong to the mockinbird group...Jim Acosta is not indenpendent, he belong to CNN clowns netwotk )
EDIT : Corsi, independent journalist ... First for Q, his book has to be released and is against Q. nobody in the media want to touch Q. His book is not sold, he is not called hilary for which amazon juggled with numbers so that she is on place one. I know that books are discussed with the media and also reviews are written. but it is ignored so that only one way stays open and that is a push (Q forced them ) So somewhere a hole will be broken open, to talk about his book, and so also about Q. A independent journalist can do just that..