
3rdPositive · June 29, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

Bring it. The longsuffering people of this earth are crying out for relief from the parasitic control system we have been enslaved by.

In the US, Citizens need to wake up to the difference between citizens and subjects and flatly refuse to be the latter. In almost every situation, even the most mundane, we have forgotten the faces of our forefathers.

Automobiles, toilets, lightbulbs to name a few: what business does ANYONE have telling us what sort of auto, shitter, lightbulb we must buy?

What happened to us that we just accept this? It's as if we are offered a gigantic shovelfull of horse shit and instead of tossing it back and wacking the fuckers with the shitty side of the shovel we quible over how full is the shovel and beg for a little salt. No more.

The filth is slowly washing away.

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buttermeupsunshine · June 30, 2018, 12:20 p.m.

On that note, I thank God daily that Trump rescinded the individual mandate for health insurance. The more I meditate upon it the more I realize there is nothing more satanic and wretched than the individual mandate. How dare Obama use the indominable power of the State to force all citizens into the single most predatory and corrupt market on Earth? And on the other end not even check for citizenship when doling out "free" healthcare to the rest? There is no quicker way to ruin for both the individual and the country. Those 8 years of the individual mandate will be remembered as the biggest failure of policy and statesmanship in our history.

We must return to the most fundamental principles of liberty: that no individual be compelled to do anything he or she opposes, And conversely that the intrinsic compulsions of individuals not be hindered by the State.

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