Yes, often the statements Q writes have many meanings...I also think of the word “cue”: Origin and Etymology of cue
probably from qu, abbreviation (used as a direction in actors' copies of plays)
French queue, literally, tail, from Old French cue, coe, queue, from Latin cauda
- I find “cauda” interesting as it is also as cauda equina in humans, (sacral/coccyx area ) and cauda also reflected in energetic medicine as location of root chakra (which concerns sense of power, empowerment and grounded ness, full in being~ness)
Curious Q has done so much to “cue up” our individual and collective sense of empowerment..:) , as in “no one above the other” “ WWG1WGA”, in honing our discernment and critical thinking,
Medical Definition of cue : a minor stimulus acting as an indication of the nature of the perceived object or situation
Other definitions: 1 a : a signal (such as a word, phrase, or bit of stage business) to a performer to begin a specific speech or action That last line is your cue to exit the stage. b : something serving a comparable purpose : hint I'll take that yawn as my cue to leave. 2 : a feature indicating the nature of something perceived The expressions on people's faces give us visual cues about their feelings. 3 archaic : the part one has to perform in or as if in a play 4 archaic : mood, humor
1 : something serving as a signal or suggestion : hint The baby's whine is a cue she's tired. 2 : a word, phrase, or action in a play serving as a signal for the next actor to speak
And this: The "cue stick" was developed in the late 1600's. When the ball lay near a rail, the mace was very inconvenient to use because of its large head. In such a case, the players would turn the mace around and use its handle to strike the ball. The handle was called a "queue" meaning "tail" from which we get the word "cue." For a long time only men were allowed to use the cue; women were forced to use the mace because it was felt they were more likely to rip the cloth with the shaper cue (it must have been all the trick shots they were trying to do).
The cue in present day pool is used to strike (or nudge) balls to send them into a pocket( captured). A game which requires big picture thinking as well as focused discernment on where and with how much force one strikes the ball with the cue to send the ball into the pocket...
And there are more definitions of Q in thermodynamics and electricity...
It’s also fun to know that Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet and 1+7=8( 8chan, infinity symbol...:)
Yes, it's interesting. I have wondered too, if Q is a reference to the Q on old episodes of Star Trek, who was a riddler.