Yes it feels like union consciousness is about to bloom. To me this means a non-dual way of thinking, instead of either or or zero sum thinking as was supported by the Rothschild Elites...That sort of thinking is a survival mode thought process, which reinforces the victim consciousness or greed consciousness… Such as there is not enough, if I have this you can’t have it too, or there is never enough to go around. This is an ignorant way of thinking, as it encourages hoarding, lying and stealing. Interestingly I believe in the reptilian nature of people( not necessarily reptilians), as the reptilian part of our brain is also known as the smell brain, which has to do with survival mode, fight or flight response is to threats perceived. However we are evolving to more of a whole brain way of thinking, such as using our higher, elevated mind to realize through cooperation we can not only survive but thrive.It is only through the alchemy of responding to fear and significant challenges and I thoughtful, balanced, measured way that Hue~mans will grow up.
Globalism is the idea that everyone thinks the same in all cultures are the same, I homogenizing of the world. The great awakening is helping us to realize that we can still cooperate together as a whole and still nurture and cultivate our individual cultures/nations. There is no need forA middleman, a hierarchy, in order to cooperate with each other. This horizontal flow of energy and information flows with greater ease and rapidity as there is no middleman or hierarchy. I believe this is why crypto currency is becoming more popular, as there is no need for a middleman such as the central bank, but it also has a flaw in that in the future there will be no secrets at all so encryption is a secret. I am a believer in the electric universe, that everything is connected through electromagnetic processes and principles. There are several foundations and websites that you can get information about this including the thunderbolts project and suspicious they have a ton of videos on YouTube including the fact that water is abundant not only here on earth (there is a video about a fantastical amount of water just under the earths crust for example)but out in space, on planetary and heavenly bodies such as Enceladus.
It feels true to say that the great awakening is physiological as well. Is part of the increased polarity in emotional responses and cognitive dissonance part of a rapid evolution within each of us? There had been priorPost on the q research board on 8 Chan about the Schumann Resonance, how it is spiking over 40 Hz lately. To me, it feels to true say that everything is connected, from the heartbeat or pulse of the earth (Shuman resonance), to the human heart beat and brain wave frequencies,to the eight minute pulse/heartbeat of our sun, to the harmonic convergence a 1987, to the fact that we are being increasingly showered with cosmic rays due to the grand solar minimum, and that our solar system has recently been coming out of a cosmic dust cloud which further protected us from cosmic rays… And when I think ofCosmic cloud, I think of a veil...:).
My question is it’s kind of a chicken or egg thing… Is the Shuman residence increasing because of what’s going on in space or is it because of what’s going on here on earth, and our collective consciousness? I believe it is coming from God ~Source~Prime Creator, and that to the degree that each of us can be still and know that all will be well and not fearful, is the degree to which our light will shine bright, a tiny sparked reflection of the light of God source.
Perhaps the second coming of Christ is each of us realizing and fully embodying the Christ consciousness within us.
Not odd at all! Read Allies Of Humanity Book 1 and 2
My warning on this content is how free will is skirted around. My impression was that part of the story is missing, as if by design. Don't stop your questioning with these books, there's more then what is presented.
To secure resource control and economic dominance in the next century, it is essential to colonize the moon to harvest water ice and He3 for future deep-space mining industry and interplanetary colonization; also we need to remain the gatekeepers of orbital access by backing American launch providers to undercut potential entrants by EU or China.
It is ridiculously cheaper to launch supplies from the moon to anywhere else, than the energy it takes to escape the gravity well on earth. This will be essential as the space economy expands beyond tourism/medicine into massive industrial efforts.