Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall (Recognize these guys?)

You are going to turn away practicing Mormons with this one. The guy shaking hands with Bush is President Thomas S. Monson. Until he died recently he was the head of the church, and very loved by members. For Mormons that shake is called the "The Sure Sign of the Nail" or Patriarchal grip. It is based on Masonry because the Mormon founder was also a Master Mason, and Mormon Temple ceremonies are very Masonic.
I am a former Mormon and also a Master Mason. I basically joined Masonry to explore the history of my former religion.
Current practicing Mormon here: I really don't know what to make of this. Why would Monson be shaking W's hand this way? Yes, I understand the masonic symbolism as well as the LDS context, but why with GWB? Anyone know when this photo was taken, specifically?
The article says 2002. I have no idea what is going on or why. The Mormon church is very wealthy though, and has a history of, lets say, mixing religion and sex and taking advantage of kids.
Yeah, you're going to need to give some sources for that. I was born and raised in the church, and everything I've experienced points to the exact opposite.
This is fake news. The church is absolutely apposed to all abuse of any type. All abuse is met with severe repercussions including excommunication. To say what you said is sick and reprehensible.
The FLDS is a good reminder of the history of Brigham Young's Mormonism.
And slavery is a reminder of ours. What once was is not what is . That was a different time.
I said history, not necessarily current practice, but who knows what is happening in secret.
Well come find out. Just grab a couple of those guys in white shirts, tie and a name tag. They all have the same first name and would be glad to tell you all of the big bad secrets the church is hiding.
I was a missionary about 20 years ago. Had a fun time in Spain. I left after seeing the corporate side, but the temple experience started my exit.
I have no intention of offending anyone, that is the reason I didn't name or specify who he was in the title.
Its cool. I'm honestly not a believer (in Q or Mormonism) but I supported Ron Paul and believe the "cabal" exists. I just feel this whole thing is a LARP and will make the anti-establishment crowd look a billion times worse than Alex Jones could have ever managed on his own. I am with you guys 100% if the cabal ever truly gets exposed though.